"PDR style", as I call it, is a way of structuring a proposal that encourages the author to break the proposal summary into three short sections so that the summary is more easily digestable by executives and other decision makers.
I was introduced to this structure in 2009 or 2010 by Raul Valdes-Perez, who was CEO of Vivísimo at the time. He preferred it and taught it to those who sought his official input on a matter. I took it a little further and include my full investigation, research, and recommendations in the document while maintaining the digestible summary.
Included in this repository is Leslie Lamport's essay, State the Problem Before Describing the Solution, a seminal work in the computer science field. I discovered it 10+ years after formalizing this template and its recommendations are core to the workflow the template provides.
Also included in template-adr.md
is a barebones template for an Architecture Decision Record that includes the PDR format inside of the Nygard format for ADR. I've used this template with great success dozens of times!
You can fork this repository and make changes or you can simply copy the contents of template.md.
Public domain / CC0.