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Cole Brumley edited this page Dec 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

#Configuration ##Methods Configuration options can be defined via environment variables, YAML files, and flags. Config files for tlspxy must begin with #tlspxy. Default options can always be omitted.

The configuration for tlspxy is based on and uses a path-based mechanism for defining settings. Paths are always expressed the same way for each config method, the general template resembling something like this:

# Environment

# Flag

# File
    key: val


Configuration is loaded in the following order. Later steps overwrite previous ones:

  1. Load hard-coded defaults
  2. Load any .yaml (or .yml) files in the current directory
  3. Parse the environment
  4. Parse command line flags

##Available Settings

Option Path Environment Flag Default Value Description
log.contents LOG_CONTENTS -log-contents false When used in conjunction with log.level=debug on a TCP proxy, prints the raw contents of the TCP stream. If remote TLS is enabled, the output will be encrypted.
log.destination LOG_DESTINATION -log-destination stdout Where to send log output. Options are stdout or syslog://your-syslog-server (ex: syslog://localhost:514)
log.level LOG_LEVEL -log-level info The log-level to use. Options are debug, info, warning, or error.
remote.addr REMOTE_ADDR -remote-addr Remote server address REMOTE_TLS_CA -remote-tls-ca The CA to present to the remote server
remote.tls.cert REMOTE_TLS_CERT -remote-tls-cert The client cert to present to the remote server
remote.tls.key REMOTE_TLS_KEY -remote-tls-key The key to present to the remote server
remote.tls.sysroots REMOTE_TLS_SYSROOTS -remote-tls-sysroots true Load the system's root CA list (does not work on Windows)
remote.tls.verify REMOTE_TLS_VERIFY -remote-tls-verify true Verify the remote server's TLS cert
server.addr SERVER_ADDR -server-addr :9898 The local server listening address SERVER_TLS_CA -server-tls-ca The local server's TLS CA
server.tls.cert SERVER_TLS_CERT -server-tls-cert The local server's TLS cert
server.tls.key SERVER_TLS_KEY -server-tls-key The local server's TLS key
server.tls.letsencrypt.cachedir SERVER_TLS_LETSENCRYPT_CACHEDIR -server-tls-letsencrypt-cachedir /tmp/letsencrypt Set the LetsEncrypt cache directory
server.tls.letsencrypt.domain SERVER_TLS_LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN -server-tls-letsencrypt-domain Set the LetsEncrypt domain
server.tls.letsencrypt.enable SERVER_TLS_LETSENCRYPT_ENABLE -server-tls-letsencrypt-enable false Use LetsEncrypt to generate a trusted certificate
server.tls.require SERVER_TLS_REQUIRE -server-tls-require false Require that the client present an x509 cert
server.tls.verify SERVER_TLS_VERIFY -server-tls-verify false Verify client certs presented to the server
server.type SERVER_TYPE -server-type tcp The type of proxy to offer (http or tcp)
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