This repo is a fork of Nick Nisi's dotfiles repo, in spirit if not in fact.
I often find myself working on multiple *nix machines on a given day, and the
goal of this project is to quickly deploy my configuration files and plugins for
utilities like tmux
and vim
so that I can work in an environment I'm accustomed to.
This is still a work in progress which has been on the back burner as I'm working through school. I'm hoping to finish this by the end of Summer 2024.
Dotfiles repo
the file vim/vimrc.symlink
assumes you've got the vim YouCompleteMe plugin installed
otherwise, just use vimrc-basic.symlink
script is not ready to go - I've just been symlinking manually
ln -sf /dotfiles/path/to/symlink/file .dotfile-in-home-dir
ln -sf dotfiles/aliases.symlink .bash_aliases
ln -sf dotfiles/bash/bashrc.symlink .bashrc
ln -sf dotfiles/env.symlink .profile
# tmux
ln -sf dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf.symlink .tmux.conf
# requires YouCompleteMe
ln -sf dotfiles/vim/vimrc.symlink .vimrc
# for use if you're not gonna do a whole YCM install
ln -sf dotfiles/vim/vimrc-basic.symlink .vimrc