XRW is the X-Ray Workshop
This open source software project is a collaboration between Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and RadiaSoft LLC, funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
The goal is to make coherent, incoherent and partially-coherent X-ray optics calculations web-accessible to users of NSLS-II, LCLS and other state-of-the-art light sources.
XRW is beginning life as a fork of the Github repo WPG -- https://github.com/samoylv/WPG
WPG (aka WaveProperGator) is an interactive simulation framework for coherent X-ray wavefront propagation. WPG provides intuitive interface to SRW (Synchrotron Radiation Workshop) WPG examples are drawn from the European XFEL (http://www.xfel.eu) design parameters.
SRW (Synchrotron Radiation Workshop) is also a Githup repository -- https://github.com/ochubar/SRW