To contribute you will first need to fork the repo and make some adjustments to get it up and running on your local machine. Below are the steps to follow in order for you to get dotfyle to run on your local machine.
cp .env.example .env
Follow the prisma tutorial on installing and running a postgres server on your local machine
If it's your first time installing postgres, you will have to create a new user and a database for prisma to connect. If you already have a user, then you can just skip to making a new database. First, enter the psql command mode:
For Linux/MacOS:
sudo -u postgres psql
Then, create a new user and a database (replace <username>
and <password>
with your preferred username and password):
ALTER USER <username> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
Finally, create the database:
CREATE DATABASE dotfyle_dev;
Once done, modify your .env
file and update your DATABASE_PRIVATE_URL
Follow this link to create a new app filling the following required details on creation:
Homepage URL: http://localhost:5173
Authorization callback URL: http://localhost:5173/api/auth/github/callback
Once completed, you will be redirected to the application page settings, from there create the client secret by clicking
on Generate a new client secret
Next, copy the client secret generated and the client ID into the .env
file, replacing <client_id>
, respectively:
Modify your .env
file and update your JWT_ACCESS_SECRET
You can create a random string for this, as an example you can use randomstring
to create a random string which you
can input into JWT_ACCESS_SECRET
npx randomstring 32
Modify your .env
file and update the PUBLIC_ADMIN_USER_GITHUB_ID
with the id of your github user
You can find your github user id in the github api
Use pnpm
to install dependencies.
pnpm install
Run the prisma migrate command to sync db tables:
npx prisma migrate dev
Finally, you can run the dev server:
pnpm run dev
Once the server is running you can seed and sync data
- Navigate to http://localhost:5173/api/auth/github to authenticate with GitHub OAuth.
- Navigate to http://localhost:5173/api/seeder/plugins in the browser.
This scrapes popular plugins from
- Navigate to http://localhost:5173/api/sync/plugins
This syncs data for all plugins using your github token:
- Syncs repo data
- Syncs
- Detects breaking changes in recent commits
The sync consumes ~1500+ requests from the hourly rate limiting of your github user access token so run this sync with care.
- Navigate to http://localhost:5173/api/sync/configs
This syncs repo data and plugin usage for all configs using the user-access-token belonging belonging to each respective config
- Navigate to http://localhost:5173/api/sync/plugins/trending
This syncs repo data and plugin usage for all configs using the user-access-token belonging to each respective config