List of Hackathons and competitions related to AI cases in Retail Banking.
- Ubiquant Market Prediction: predictions against future market data.
- Data Fusion Contest 2022: identify bank customers using transactions behavior and click-stream activity in Web.
- G-Research Crypto Forecasting: predict real crypto market data.
- Tinkoff Invest Robot Contest: trading strategy for bot.
- Alfa Battle 2.0 (post on habr):
- Case #1: the most likely action of the customer in the mobile banking app prediction
- Case #2: customer default prediction.
- Data Fusion Contest
- The product category prediction
- Extracting the product brand from the product name
- ISO 20022 Hackathon: SWIFT Fraud Prevention
- Raifhack DS: estimates of the value of commercial real estate.
- Rosbank Happy Data Year: predict the popularity index of geo-location for placing an ATM network device
- Sibur Challenge 2019: PET and rubber price forecast.
- Data Like Contest: predicting customer reaction to a user story (solution).
- Santander Customer Transaction Prediction: identify who will make a transaction.
- Xente Fraud Detection Challenge: classify the fraudulent transactions.
- IEEE-CIS Fraud Detection: classify the fraudulent transactions.
- Elo Merchant Category Recommendation: MCCs recommendations for a customer.
- Home Credit Default Risk: the risk of nonpayment of the loan.
- Rosbank ML Competition: customer churn and forecast expenditure of the client.
- Modulbank AI Hack MSK: predicting the probability of selling a product.
- Raiffeisen Data Cup: prediction of work and home coordinates of the client.
- Santander Value Prediction Challenge: predict the value of transactions for potential customers.
- Sberbank Data Science Journey 2018: automated ML on several banking datasets.
- Tinkoff Data Science Challenge: choice of Tinkoff Bank credit proposals and restore the position of the merchant.
- Sberbank Russian Housing Market: automation of commercial real estate valuation.
- Sberbank Data Science Journey 2017: question relevance classification and building a question answering system.
- Sberbank Data Science Contest 2016 - 1: the prediction of the sex of the client and the forecast of expenditure of the client.
- Sberbank Data Science Contest 2016 - 2: automation of valuation of commercial collateral real estate
- Microsoft Machine Learning Hack: forecast expenditure customer large Russian Bank.
- Credit Card Fraud Detection: fraud detection for credit cards.
- Santander Customer Satisfaction: identify dissatisfied customers early in their relationship.
- Santander Product Recommendation: predict what new products customers will purchase.