Fork and clone this app locally.
You can use this as a starting point for your Hackathon application.
You can remove the current remote Git repository using this command.
git remote remove -v
You can then link this to your own GitHub repository.
Ensure to add all your team members as collaborators on your projects GitHub repository.
Run the app in IntelliJ after running this command:
mvn clean install
This will install the application dependencies.
The tests will fail initially - you will need to configure the database following the instructions below.
Setup a local database using the instructions below.
Create the database like this:
createdb spark_hbs_jdbi;
Or like this if you are on Ubuntu:
sudo -u postgres createdb spark_hbs_jdbi;
Ensure your local user is a postgres user and have access to the database.
Create a postgres user for your local user.
Note: If your username is not coder use the appropriate local username instead.
sudo -u postgres createuser coder -P;
Ensure this user has access to the database you are using the postgres user:
sudo -u postgres psql;
Grant access like this:
grant all privileges on database spark_hbs_jdbi to coder;
Exit out of psql
Now connect to the database like this:
psql spark_hbs_jdbi;
Create the users table like this:
first_name TEXT,
last_name TEXT,
email TEXT
Deploy your application using Heroku.
Create a Heroku app for your web application
heroku create
Rename your Heroku application
heroku apps:rename <your-app-name-here>
Deploy your application to Heroku using this command:
mvn clean heroku:deploy
Note: ensure you setup the Heroku database as per the instructions below.
Create the database on Heroku using this command:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Connect to the Heroku database using this command:
heroku pg:psql
Run the ./sql/database_script
on the Heroku database.
Once this app is up and running it proves your local configuration is working.
You should now rename the database and application name. And make sure it's working with your own configuration.