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List of Cpp Kata to Update

ejini战神 edited this page Jun 1, 2022 · 81 revisions


The following C++ kata outputs warnings when tested against the reference solution. The table is sorted by the number of warnings generated (the second column). The third columns is the size of the warnings in bytes (noisiness).

Kata Count Bytes Warnings
Blaine is a pain 18 5205 sign-compare,unused-function,unused-lambda-capture

using namespace std; in Preloaded

  1. Matrix Calculator

string without #include <string> in Initial Solution

  1. (L33T + Grεεκ) Case
  2. ■□ Pattern □■ : Zoom
  3. 1-800-CODE-WAR
  4. 101 Dalmatians - squash the bugs, not the dogs!
  5. 6 By 6 Bimaru Solver
  6. 80's Kids #2: Help ALF Find His Spaceship
  7. 80's Kids #5: You Can't Do That on Television
  8. Age Calculator
  9. Airport itinerary
  10. All Inclusive?
  11. All unique
  12. altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe
  13. ASCII Games: Warning: Ice!
  14. ASCII85 Encoding & Decoding
  15. Backspaces in string
  16. Backwards Read Primes
  17. Baseball
  18. Basic Math (Add or Subtract)
  19. Basic Statement Coverage in Unit Testing
  20. Basics 01: Convert any Number (Double) to Fraction
  21. Basics 02: String - Array - Result?
  22. Basics 03: Strings, Numbers and Calculation
  23. Binary multiple of 3
  24. Bird Mountain
  25. Birthday I - Cake
  26. Bit Letters
  27. Blaine is a pain
  28. Boggle Word Checker
  29. Brainfuck generator
  30. Break the pieces
  31. Buddy Pairs
  32. Build Tower
  33. Bumps in the Road
  34. Bundesliga 1. Spieltag - First Match Day
  35. Bus mastering - Who is the most prioritary?
  36. Calculate BMI
  37. CamelCase to underscore
  38. Car Park Escape
  39. Cats in hats
  40. Closest and Smallest
  41. Collaboration Station
  42. Coloured Triangles
  43. Common Denominators
  44. Compare Strings by Sum of Chars
  45. Complete The Pattern #12
  46. Complete The Pattern #4
  47. Complete The Pattern #7 - Cyclical Permutation
  48. Complete The Pattern #8 - Number Pyramid
  49. Complete The Pattern #9 - Diamond
  50. Composing squared strings
  51. Connect Four
  52. Consecutive letters
  53. Containers
  54. Convert all the cases!
  55. Correct my English - Series #1 - Capitalization and Full-Stops
  56. Correct the time-string
  57. Count the smiley faces!
  58. Counting Duplicates
  59. Covfefe
  60. Crack the PIN
  61. Create palindrome
  62. Credit card issuer checking
  63. Cryptanalysis Word Patterns
  64. Cryptography #1 - Viva Cesare
  65. Curing Arachnophobia
  66. Custom Christmas Tree
  67. Custom Christmas Tree III: the center of leaves
  68. Cut the cake
  69. Decode the Morse code
  70. Decode the Morse code, for real
  71. Determine offspring sex based on genes XX and XY chromosomes
  72. Digital cypher
  73. Digital cypher vol 2
  74. Directions Reduction
  75. Disemvowel Trolls
  76. Drawing a cube
  77. Driving Licence
  78. Drone Fly-By
  79. Ease the StockBroker
  80. Easy wallpaper
  81. Eliminate the intruders! Bit manipulation
  82. Epoch Date String
  83. Errors : histogram
  84. Escape with your booty!
  85. Esolang Interpreters #1 - Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck)
  86. Esolang Interpreters #2 - Custom Smallfuck Interpreter
  87. Even odd disparity
  88. Evil or Odious
  89. Exclamation marks series #11: Replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence
  90. Exes and Ohs
  91. Expression Transpiler
  92. Extended weekends
  93. Ferry Loading
  94. First Variation on Caesar Cipher
  95. FIXME: Hello
  96. Fruit Machine
  97. Gerrymander Solver
  98. Get Planet Name By ID
  99. Get the Middle Character
  100. Getting along with Integer Partitions
  101. Grouping in string
  102. Hëävÿ Mëtäl Ümläüts
  103. Help Bob count letters and digits.
  104. Help the bookseller !
  105. Help the general decode secret enemy messages.
  106. Help your granny!
  107. Heroes of Might & Magic II: One-on-One
  108. Hex to Decimal
  109. Hidden "Cubic" numbers
  110. Histogram - H1
  111. Histogram - V1
  112. How long should you cook this for?
  113. How many feelings?
  114. How much Wood?
  115. How Much?
  116. I love you, a little , a lot, passionately ... not at all
  117. IEEE 754 floating point numbers
  118. Indexed capitalization
  119. Insane Coloured Triangles
  120. Inside Out Strings
  121. int32 to IPv4
  122. Is it a number?
  123. Isograms
  124. Jenny's secret message
  125. Locator Numbers
  126. Longest palindrome
  127. Longest vowel chain
  128. longest_palindrome
  129. Lottery Ticket
  130. Matrix Square Up, B!
  131. Maximum Length Difference
  132. Mean vs. Median
  133. Mexican Wave
  134. Moduli number system
  135. Monkey's MATH 01: How many "ZERO"s?
  136. Most valuable character
  137. Moves in squared strings (I)
  138. Moves in squared strings (II)
  139. Moves in squared strings (III)
  140. Multiple of 11
  141. Mumbling
  142. Music Fun #1 - Major Scale
  143. My smallest code interpreter (aka Brainf**k)
  144. Numbers in strings
  145. Odd-Even String Sort
  146. Offload your work!
  147. Oh come on! Hello world! once again?
  148. Optical character recognition
  149. Pairs of Bears
  150. Parsing & Automata - Matching Bracket Lists & Context-Free Grammars
  151. Parts of a list
  152. Password System
  153. Path Finder #3: the Alpinist
  154. Path Finder #4: where are you?
  155. Photocopy decay
  156. PI approximation
  157. Playing on a chessboard
  158. Plenty of Fish in the Pond
  159. Pong! [Basics]
  160. Possibilities of throwing a coin n times
  161. Post Office Delivery
  162. Power Trader [PART 1]: Product hours
  163. Powers of i
  164. Primes in numbers
  165. Print number with character
  166. Printer Errors
  167. Prize Draw
  168. Read the time
  169. Rectangle into Rectangles
  170. Redacted!
  171. Replace every nth
  172. Return pyramids
  173. Reverse words
  174. RGB To Hex Conversion
  175. Rock Off!
  176. Scaling Squared Strings
  177. Second Variation on Caesar Cipher
  178. Simple directions reversal
  179. Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split
  180. Simple Encryption #2 - Index-Difference
  181. Simple Encryption #3 - Turn The Bits Around
  182. Simple equation reversal
  183. Simple fibonacci strings
  184. Simple Fun #176: Reverse Letter
  185. Simple Fun #384: Is Turing's Equation?
  186. Simple Fun #40: Timed Reading
  187. Simple letter removal
  188. Simple number sequence
  189. Simple Pig Latin
  190. Simple prime streaming
  191. Simple reversed parenthesis
  192. Simple string characters
  193. Simple string division
  194. Simple string division II
  195. Simple string expansion
  196. Simple string matching
  197. Simple string reversal
  198. Simple string reversal II
  199. Simple time difference
  200. Single character palindromes
  201. Single character palindromes II
  202. Snakes and Ladders
  203. Sort and Star
  204. Sort array by string length
  205. Sorted? yes? no? how?
  206. Statistics for an Athletic Association
  207. Stop gninnipS My sdroW!
  208. String array duplicates
  209. String doubles
  210. String matchup
  211. String Packet Based Communications
  212. String prefix and suffix
  213. String Pyramid
  214. String subpattern recognition II
  215. Strings Mix
  216. Sum and Length
  217. Sum of numbers from 0 to N
  218. Sum of the first nth term of Series
  219. Symbolic differentiation of prefix expressions
  220. Target Date
  221. The boolean order
  222. The Deaf Rats of Hamelin
  223. Thinking & Testing : Incomplete string
  224. To BrainFuck Transpiler
  225. Total amount of points
  226. Train your skills in creation of classes.
  227. Train your skills in writing/reading from files while using classes
  228. TV Remote
  229. TV Remote (shift and space)
  230. TV Remote (wrap)
  231. Two fighters, one winner.
  232. Two to One
  233. Unique string characters
  234. Unwanted dollars
  235. up AND down
  236. Upturn Numeral Triangle
  237. Valid Braces
  238. Vowel Recognition
  239. Vowel Shifting
  240. Weight for weight
  241. Weird words
  242. Which are in?
  243. Whitespace Interpreter
  244. Who likes it?
  245. Word values

vector without #include <vector> in Initial Solution

  1. ■□ Pattern □■ : Wave
  2. 101 Dalmatians - squash the bugs, not the dogs!
  3. Add All
  4. Adding values of arrays in a shifted way
  5. Airport itinerary
  6. Alice's christmas tree
  7. All Inclusive?
  8. Are the numbers in order?
  9. Areas of Voronoi cells
  10. Array - squareUp b!
  11. Array element parity
  12. ASCII Games: Warning: Ice!
  13. Associative Operation on Range
  14. Averages of numbers
  15. Basics 04: Rotate Matrix
  16. Beginner - Lost Without a Map
  17. Best travel
  18. Bird Mountain
  19. Bit Letters
  20. Boggle Word Checker
  21. Break the pieces
  22. Bubblesort Once
  23. Build Tower
  24. Bundesliga 1. Spieltag - First Match Day
  25. Buying a car
  26. Car Park Escape
  27. Casino chips
  28. Centre of attention
  29. Challenge Fun #14: Target Game
  30. Closest and Smallest
  31. Cogs
  32. Cogs 2
  33. Collaboration Station
  34. Common Denominators
  35. Complete Binary Tree
  36. Connect Four
  37. Consecutive items
  38. Convert number to reversed array of digits
  39. Count the smiley faces!
  40. Counting Rectangle Triangles
  41. Cut the cake
  42. Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
  43. Design a Simple Automaton (Finite State Machine)
  44. Digital cypher
  45. Digital cypher vol 2
  46. Directions Reduction
  47. Distance from the average
  48. Earth-mover's distance
  49. Escape with your booty!
  50. Evaluate A Keno Board
  51. Even odd disparity
  52. Every possible sum of two digits
  53. Extended weekends
  54. Fibonacci, Tribonacci and friends
  55. Find array
  56. Find numbers which are divisible by given number
  57. Find the centre of a sphere
  58. Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression
  59. Find The Parity Outlier
  60. Find the smallest
  61. Find the stray number
  62. First Variation on Caesar Cipher
  63. Fix array sequence
  64. Floating-point Approximation (II)
  65. Fold an array
  66. Frequency Analysis With Buckets
  67. Fruit Machine
  68. Fun with trees: array to tree
  69. Gerrymander Solver
  70. Get the mean of an array
  71. Help the bookseller !
  72. Histogram - H1
  73. Histogram - V1
  74. How Green Is My Valley?
  75. How many feelings?
  76. Indexed capitalization
  77. Integers: Recreation Two
  78. Irreducible Sum of Rationals
  79. John and Ann sign up for Codewars
  80. Josephus Permutation
  81. k-Primes
  82. Length of missing array
  83. Leonardo numbers
  84. Lottery Ticket
  85. LOTTO 6 aus 49 - 6 of 49
  86. Matrix creation
  87. Matrix Square Up, B!
  88. Max-min arrays
  89. Maximum Length Difference
  90. Mean vs. Median
  91. Mexican Wave
  92. Minimum and Maximum Product of k Elements - Advanced
  93. Minimum Reduction
  94. Moduli number system
  95. Not prime numbers
  96. Number climber
  97. Numbers with this digit inside
  98. Offload your work!
  99. Parts of a list
  100. Password System
  101. Path Finder #4: where are you?
  102. Peak array index
  103. Prize Draw
  104. Reversed sequence
  105. Rock Off!
  106. Scheduling (Round-Robin)
  107. Scheduling (Shortest Job First or SJF)
  108. Second Variation on Caesar Cipher
  109. Sequence to 1
  110. Simple array product
  111. Simple assembler interpreter
  112. Simple consecutive pairs
  113. Simple directions reversal
  114. Simple Fun #37: House Numbers Sum
  115. Simple missing sum
  116. Simple string characters
  117. Simple time difference
  118. Sliding Puzzle Solver
  119. Sort and Star
  120. Sort array by string length
  121. Sort the odd
  122. Sorted Arrays
  123. Sorted? yes? no? how?
  124. Speed Control
  125. Split By Value
  126. Sqrt approximation
  127. Square into Squares. Protect trees!
  128. String array duplicates
  129. String matchup
  130. Sum of array singles
  131. Sum of integer combinations
  132. Sum of prime-indexed elements
  133. The dropWhile Function
  134. The nth smallest integer
  135. The Supermarket Queue
  136. The takeWhile Function
  137. Thinking & Testing : Uniq or not Uniq
  138. Tiptoe through the circles
  139. Tortoise racing
  140. Train your skills in writing/reading from files while using classes
  141. Tribonacci Sequence
  142. Two Sum
  143. Unfinished Loop - Bug Fixing #1
  144. Vault experience (1): Enough water for how many days?
  145. Which are in?
  146. Whitespace Interpreter
  147. Who likes it?
  148. Word values
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