ASP.NET Core Web API with JWT Authentication
This repository contains a sample ASP.NET Core Web API project that demonstrates how to create a secure API with JWT authentication. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) are a popular method for securely transmitting information between parties as JSON objects.
Features Authentication: Users can authenticate using JWT tokens. Authorization: Secure endpoints with role-based access control. Swagger: Explore and test the API endpoints using Swagger UI. Logging: Log requests, responses, and errors for debugging purposes.
Prerequisites Before running this application, ensure you have the following installed:
.NET Core SDK version X.X or later Visual Studio Code or any preferred code editor
Getting Started
1.Clone this repository to your local machine: git clone
2.Navigate to the project directory: cd your-repository
3.Configure the JWT settings in the appsettings.json file:
{ "JwtSettings": { "SecretKey": "YourSecretKeyHere", "Issuer": "YourIssuerHere", "Audience": "YourAudienceHere", "ExpirationInMinutes": 1440 } }
4.Run the application: dotnet run
5.Once the application is running, you can explore the API endpoints using Swagger UI. Open your web browser and navigate to: https://localhost:5001/swagger
Authentication To authenticate and access secure endpoints, follow these steps:
Register User: Send a POST request to /api/account/register with the user's credentials in the request body. Login: Send a POST request to /api/account/login with the user's credentials in the request body. This will return a JWT token. Authorization: Add the JWT token to the Authorization header in subsequent requests to access secure endpoints.
API Endpoints The following endpoints are available:
POST /api/account/register: Register a new user. POST /api/account/login: Login and receive a JWT token. Secure Endpoints: Secure endpoints require authentication with a JWT token. Examples include: GET /api/resource: Retrieve a list of resources. GET /api/resource/{id}: Retrieve a specific resource by ID. POST /api/resource: Create a new resource. PUT /api/resource/{id}: Update an existing resource. DELETE /api/resource/{id}: Delete a resource.
Testing Unit tests and integration tests are located in the tests directory. You can run the tests using the following command: dotnet test
Contributing Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or features you'd like to add.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.