- ThreadX lets you generate captivating Twitter threads effortlessly with the power of AI. Choose from a variety of vibes and let the AI do the rest.
- It's a project that relies on essential dependencies such as hookform/resolvers, next-auth/prisma-adapter, radix-ui/react components, vercel/kv, bcrypt, next, react, tailwindcss, and typescript.
βββ .eslintrc.json
βββ .gitignore
βββ README.md
βββ app
β βββ (auth)
β β βββ sign-in
β β β βββ page.tsx
β β βββ sign-up
β β βββ page.tsx
β βββ Header.tsx
β βββ api
β β βββ auth
β β β βββ [...nextauth]
β β β βββ route.ts
β β βββ chat
β β β βββ route.ts
β β βββ route.ts
β β βββ user
β β βββ route.ts
β βββ context
β β βββ ThreadContext.tsx
β βββ generate
β β βββ page.tsx
β βββ globals.css
β βββ layout.tsx
β βββ page.tsx
βββ components.json
βββ components
β βββ CheckBoxEmoji.tsx
β βββ ClientHero.tsx
β βββ Context
β β βββ vibeContext.ts
β βββ Footer.tsx
β βββ LightDark.tsx
β βββ Number.tsx
β βββ SelectVibe.tsx
β βββ Thread.tsx
β βββ UserSignOut.tsx
β βββ form
β β βββ SignIn.tsx
β β βββ SignUp.tsx
β βββ input.tsx
β βββ theme-provider.tsx
β βββ ui
β βββ button.tsx
β βββ card.tsx
β βββ checkbox.tsx
β βββ dropdown-menu.tsx
β βββ form.tsx
β βββ input.tsx
β βββ label.tsx
β βββ select.tsx
βββ lib
β βββ auth.ts
β βββ db.ts
β βββ utils.ts
βββ next.config.js
βββ package-lock.json
βββ package.json
βββ postcss.config.js
βββ prisma
β βββ migrations
β β βββ 20231006112435_init
β β β βββ migration.sql
β β βββ 20231007111533_new_mig
β β β βββ migration.sql
β β βββ 20231011131426_
β β β βββ migration.sql
β β βββ 20231011132355_name
β β β βββ migration.sql
β β βββ 20231012104644_image
β β β βββ migration.sql
β β βββ migration_lock.toml
β βββ schema.prisma
βββ tailwind.config.js
βββ tailwind.config.ts
βββ tsconfig.json
- app: Main application directory.
- app/(auth): Authentication-related functionalities.
- app/(auth)/sign-in: Sign-in functionality for authentication.
- app/(auth)/sign-up: Sign-up functionality for authentication.
- app/api: API-related functionalities.
- app/api/auth: Authentication-related API functionalities.
- app/api/chat: Chat-related API functionalities.
- app/api/user: User-related API functionalities.
- components: Reusable UI components.
- lib: Libraries and utility functions used in the project.
- next-auth: Authentication library for Next.js projects.
- prisma: Database toolkit and ORM for TypeScript and Node.js.
- react-hook-form: Library for flexible and efficient form validation in React.
- react-icons: Collection of popular icons as React components.
- tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- typescript: Typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- next: React framework for building server-side rendered and static websites.
- react: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Step 1
1.Clone the threadx repository:
git clone https://github.com/codescalper/threadx
2.Install the dependencies with one of the package managers listed below:
npm install
3.Start the development mode:
npm run dev
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the MIT License file for details.