Digital campaigning dashboard for activists for #GE2019
- #14 Topics & Issues as a top-level entities.
- Updated Polymer framework to version 2 & replaced coders-for-labour/rhizome with wearelighten/buttress-js-db.
- Updated the general styling of the UI & added cards for entities in the system.
- #12 Removed the need to authenticate before using the application.
- #10 Merged the admin actions into the application, removing the need for a separate admin pplication.
- #17 Replace Labour branding with Coders for Labour Branding
- #15 Remove levelDB and replace with Redis
- #2 Pressing return/enter on the postcode input box doesn't perform a search
- #17 Using the back arrow after an authenticated login yields a server error
Coders For Labour is a collection of enthusiastic developers trying to further the interests and values of the Labour Party.
- Read our code of conduct and manifesto
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- Read the Dashboard for Labour Wiki
- Get coding!
- Comment code as you go, this will make life easier for somebody that steps into a project you have been working on.
- If you are editing somebody else’s code, follow the same style/syntax and try to avoid cleaning somebody else’s code. Edit lines relevant to your task for a simpler git merge. Refactoring is a separate job.
- Communicate with others if you are unsure. Join the Discord server, post on Facebook, whatever makes you feel most comfortable. There is no question too silly.
Code and other work product is distributed under the Coders For Labour Github org under an MIT licence. Other assets are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.