- A simple chat application.
- Use C++ for server and client.
- No UI,only console.
- it depend on Common project,so you should download it and complie it at first,it use clang .
- git clone https://github.com/coderguang/Common.git
- cd Common/include/json/
- make clean && make
- cd ../../../
- cd Common/lib/
- rm -rf *.a
- cd ../../
- cd Common/log/
- make clean && make
- cd ../../
- cd Common/util/
- make clean && make
- cd ../../
- cd Common/net/socket/
- make clean && make
- cd ../../../
- mv Common ../
- after build Common project success,you can build select、poll、epoll example.
- cd server/s_select
- make clean && make
- cd ../
- cd s_poll
- make clean && make
- cd ../
- cd s_epoll
- make clean && make
now you will get three Executive Document in server/s_select,server/s_poll,server/s_epoll.
defualt listen port is 9000 for epoll,9100 for poll,9200 for select
you can modify it on config.h,after modify,you should rebuild it -
client project is in client,use visual studio 2015
for example: server_poll and c_normal.
in linux server: in windows: