class: center, middle
Radovan Bast @__radovan
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration/ UiT The Arctic University of Norway
We teach tools and practices for the development of reproducible and reusable research software.
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CodeRefinery acts as a .emph[hub for FAIR] (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) .emph[software practices]. It currently focuses on the Nordic/Baltic countries, but aims to expand beyond this region. CodeRefinery aims to operate as a community project with support from academic organizations.
- .emph[For organizations]: an opportunity to pool competence and offer more training and development opportunities than they could individually.
- .emph[For volunteers and the team]: a community around teaching and opportunity for skill development, both in pedagogy and practical skills.
- .emph[For learners]: a welcoming and useful environment for learning many necessary practical skills that may otherwise not be explicitly taught. This can be through courses, hackathons, and the like.
- Project grew out of a 1-week course started at KTH Stockholm in 2014
- Since 2016 funded by NeIC:
- 31 full workshops
- 25 other workshops/events
- 3 instructor training events
- over 1600 persons trained across all academic disciplines
- Last 4 workshops: 8 volunteer instructors, over 80 volunteer helpers
- Basic and collaborative Git
- Code review
- Social coding and open software
- Reproducible research
- Jupyter notebooks
- Code documentation
- Automated testing
- Modular code development
We are now in the process of making the lessons citable. ] .right-column40[
- March 22-24, 29-31
- September 20-22, 27-29 ]
- Before 2020: ~25 participants, ~2 helpers
- Now: routinely 100+ participants, 20+ helpers
- Lectures & code-along exercises in the main room: .emph[stream and also record]
- Get help and group exercises in a breakout room
- Participants can register as teams (.emph["bring your own breakout room"])
- Installation sessions and helper preparation sessions
- Asynchronous Q&A via HackMD -> we publish these (example)
- Operation manuals: reference and training for our teaching style
- Blog post:
- Presentation at CarpentryCon@Home 2020
class: center, middle, inverse
- 284 answers
- Principles
- Best practices
- Policies
- Standards
- Governance model
- Development of tools
- .emph[Training] (version control, notebooks, documentation, code review, version control for dependencies, licenses, testing)
- .emph[Mentorship]
- Transitioning to a community project
- Expand beyond the Nordic/Baltic region
- Towards a non-profit organization
- Make it easier for organizations and individuals to join
- Give .emph[better credit] for volunteer contributions
- Offer not only training but also .emph[mentorship network]
- FAIR software practices survey
- How to better advertise and reach and connect the community?