Application_1: Sentimental Analysis.
The Amazon dataset is available in .tsv file. The Amazon PC dataset is used for this application. Link:
The .tsv (Tab Separated Values) file was processed and cleaned using the code file named: 'data-cleaning.ipynb'.
After cleaning the data was converted to .csv (Comma Separated Values) file and transferred to RDBMS PostgreSQL server.
For the simplicity and avoid huge file size, a sample dataset named 'appl_1_amazon_pc.csv' has been created to perform Sentimental Analysis of reviews of Product Title 'Fire HD 7, 7" HD Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB'
- Launch the Jupyter Notebook either in your kernel or App.
- In the Notebook Dashboard navigate to find the notebook. Open it in your browser.
- Open the Jupyter Notebook file named: 'appl_1_sentiment_analysis.ipynb'.
- You can run the notebook step by step by pressing shift+enter.