This is the Materials repo for Code Park High School classes
Currently it only has lesson slides, but will grow to include tickets and other printed materials. It is intended to have almost everything required for the classes. The curriculum itself and starter project files will be in separate repos.
Slides made using the excellent reveal.js
- Lesson 8 Materials
- Lesson 9 Materials
- Lesson 10 Materials
- Lesson 7 Materials
- Lesson 5 Materials
- Lesson 6 Materials
- Lesson 4 Slides
- Lesson 3 Slides
- Lesson 2 Slides
- Lesson 1 Slides
- Maybe move individual slides to external markdown
Please =)!
- Fork (non-members of repos only)
- Branch with descriptive branch name
- Commit and push changes to branch
- Make a descriptive PR
- Merge (Members only, and at your discretion. Default should be to ask another member to review and merge.)