App Eatable-Products
Design: here API endpoint: Backend API: here Eatable - Product Dashboard You have been appointed to build the Products Dashboard for Eatable App.
Requirements The product dashboard should accomplish the following:
It should be built with React reusable components. It should connect to an external API to fetch and persist data. It should use CSS in JS for the styles using Emotion. It should be able to handle page refreshes without losing the current state of the app. (LocalStorage or SessionStorage are both valid). It should handle errors by showing useful messages to the user. Main user stories As a user, I want to...
See a list of all products currently created on the database Be able to create a new product using a form (showing the errors if there are any) Be able to update a product using a form (showing the errors if there are any) Be able to delete a product. A modal should appear on the screen to confirm the deletion.