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This is a POC for what could be a new CLI for us. The idea is to rely on the native tools and SARIF format instead of relying on Docker.


The codacy-cli-v2 is a command-line tool for Codacy that supports analyzing code using ESLint and uploading the results in SARIF format to Codacy. It provides two main commands: analyze and upload.


  • analyze Command: Runs ESLint analysis on the codebase.

    • --output, -o: Output file for the results.
    • --tool, -t: Specifies the tool to run analysis with (e.g., ESLint).
    • --fix, -f: Automatically fixes issues when possible.
    • --new-pr: Creates a new GitHub PR with fixed issues.
  • upload Command With Project Token: Uploads a SARIF file containing analysis results to Codacy.

    • --sarif-path, -s: Path to the SARIF report.
    • --commit-uuid, -c: Commit UUID.
    • --project-token, -t: Project token for Codacy API.
  • upload Command With API Token: Uploads a SARIF file containing analysis results to Codacy.

    • --sarif-path, -s: Path to the SARIF report.
    • --commit-uuid, -c: Commit UUID.
    • --api-token, -a: User level token for Codacy API.
    • --provider, -p: Provider name (e.g., gh, gl, bb).
    • --owner, -o: Repository owner.
    • --repository, -r: Repository name.

Important Concepts

  • .codacy/codacy.yaml: Configuration file to specify node and eslint versions for the CLI.
        - node@22.2.0
        - eslint@9.3.0
  • codacy-cli-v2 install: Command to install the specified node and eslint versions before running analysis.


MacOS (brew)

To install codacy-cli-v2 using Homebrew:

brew install codacy/codacy-cli-v2/codacy-cli-v2


For Linux, we rely on the script in the root. To download the CLI, run:

bash <(curl -Ls

You can either put the downloaded script in a specific file or create an alias that will download the script and look for changes:

alias codacy-cli-v2="bash <(curl -Ls"


Before running the analysis, install the specified tools:

codacy-cli install

Run Analysis

To run ESLint and output the results to the terminal:

codacy-cli analyze --tool eslint

To store the results as SARIF in a file:

codacy-cli analyze -t eslint -o eslint.sarif

Upload Results

To upload a SARIF file to Codacy:

codacy-cli upload -s path/to/your.sarif -c your-commit-uuid -t your-project-token

Example Repository

As an example, you can check for a repository that has an action relying on this CLI.