The application you will be building is a kind of a job board, where anyone can create an account and apply to vacancies.
- Account creation
- Sign in
- Log out
- Profile Edition(consider profile pic attachment)
- Apply to vacancy
- Add skills to my profile
- Vacancy search(by skills or title)
As a User I want to create an account So that I can search for vacancies
Scenario: User Sign Up
Given I'm on the root of the page
When I click on the "Sign Up" button
And fill the email field with ""
And I fill the password field with "123456"
Than I should see a Sign out link
As a User I want to sign in So that I can search for vacancies and apply to any of them
Scenario: User Sign In
Given I'm on the root of the page
When I click on the "Sign In" button
And I fill the email with ''
And I fill the password with '123456'
Then I should see a Sign out link
As a User I want to sign out So that I cannot apply to any vacancy
Scenario: User Sign Out
Given I'm logged in
When I click on the "Sign out" link
Then I should see a "Goodbye" message
As a User I want to update my personal details So that I have a better profile on the platform
Scenario: Edit Personal Details
Given I'm logged in as ""
When I click on the "Edit profile" link on the navigation bar
And I attach a profile picture
And I fill in the name with 'John'
And I fill in the last name with 'Wick'
And I fill in the birthdate with '1964-10-12'
And I fill in the bio with 'A ninja developer, hihgly skilled, hired to refactor the most dangerous code, the world has ever seen'
And I click the "Save" button
Then I should see a "Profile updated successfully" message
As a User I want to apply to a vacancy So that I can follow up
Scenario: User applies to vacancy
Given I'm logged in as ""
When I click on the "Vacancies" link on the navigation bar
And I click on the one titled "Ruby on Rails Full Stack Developer"
Then I should see the vacancy description
And I should see the vacancy title
And I should see the vacancy required skills
And I click on the 'Apply' button
Then I should see a "You applied to Ruby on Rails Full Stack Developer successfully" message
As a User I want to add skills to my profile So that I can see my skills on my profile
Scenario: User add skills to his/her profile
Given I'm logged in as ""
When I click on the "Skillset" link on the navigation bar
And I fill in the "Skill name" with "Ruby"
And I fill in the "Years" with 4
And I click on the "Add another skill" button
And I fill in the "Skill name" with "Javascript"
And I fill in the "Years" with 3
And I click on the "Save" button
Then I should see a "Skills added successfully" message
And I should see the added skills under the skillset section
And I should see my full name
And I should see my bio
As a User I want to filter vacancies by title or skills So that I can apply to the ones more suitable for myself
Scenario: User filter vacancies
Given I'm logged in as ""
When I click on the "Vacancies" link on the navigation bar
When I fill in the "Search" field with "ruby"
And I click on the "Search" button
Then I should see the vacancies with "ruby" on the title or as a skill
Development Notes:
- The search method should filter vacancies ignoring the case of the search keyword