- docker-build: fix build-cache validation (#61)
- docker-build: add steps for cached and non-cached builds (#60)
- docker-build: add ability to disable cache (#59)
- pylint: add path input (#58)
- add docker-build-push-multi-registry (#57)
- docker-build: remove set up qemu action (#56)
- docker-build: build linux/arm64 on ubuntu-24.04-arm runner (#55)
- docker-build: build linux/arm64 on ubuntu-24.04-arm runner (#55)
- default to Python 3.13 (#51)
- drop dependency on base.txt (#48)
- use ubuntu-latest (#47)
- set pr-delete-branch default to 'no' (#45)
- add pr-delete-branch input (#44)
- add docker-build-push-multi-platform (#43)
- drop python-version input
- tox-docker: use coatldev/six:latest container (#31)
- tox-docker: fix python-version input description (#28)
- use coatl-dev/actions@v3 (#24)
- replace Python 2.7 and 3.11 with 3.12 as default
- use Python 3.12 as default version (#23)
- deps: bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#20)
- use coatl-dev/actions@v2 (#19)
- add pip-compile-upgrade and pre-commit-autoupdate (#18)
- use coatl-dev/workflow-requirements base requirements (#14)
- use new requirements path (#13)
- drop unused inputs and set Python 3.11 and ubuntu-22.04 as default
- drop black, flake8 and mypy
- discard unused inputs (#11)
- drop unused workflows (#10)
- use coatl-dev/workflow-requirements to improve caching (#12)
- modify Python package install strategy (#7)
- pypi-upload: use official Python Docker image (#6)
- workflows: make caching optional (#3)