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Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. AWS GuardDuty - Overview Diagram
  3. AWS GuardDuty Terraform
  4. License


Amazon GuardDuty is a continuous security monitoring service that analyses and processes the following data sources: VPC Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail event logs, and DNS logs. It uses threat intelligence feeds, such as lists of malicious IPs and domains, and machine learning to identify unexpected and potentially unauthorised and malicious activity within your AWS environment.

This repo contains Terraform modules for configuring AWS GuardDuty and managing IPSets and ThreadSets used by GuardDuty.

Terraform >= 0.12.0 is required for this module.

AWS GuardDuty - Overview Diagram


AWS GuardDuty Terraform

Resources docs

AWS GuardDuty automation includes use of the following core Terraform resources:


The below outlines the current parameters and defaults.

Name Description Type Default Required
bucket_name Name of the S3 bucket to use string "" Yes
is_guardduty_master Whether the account is a master account bool false No
is_guardduty_member Whether the account is a member account bool false No
detector_enable Enable monitoring and feedback reporting bool true No
has_ipset Whether to include IPSet bool false No
has_threatintelset Whether to include ThreatIntelSet bool false No
ipset_activate Specifies whether GuardDuty is to start using the uploaded IPSet bool true No
ipset_format The format of the file that contains the IPSet string TXT No
ipset_iplist IPSet list of trusted IP addresses list [] No
threatintelset_activate Specifies whether GuardDuty is to start using the uploaded ThreatIntelSet bool true No
threatintelset_format The format of the file that contains the ThreatIntelSet string TXT No
threatintelset_iplist ThreatIntelSet list of known malicious IP addresses list [] No
master_account_id Account ID for Guard Duty Master. Required if is_guardduty_member string "" Yes
member_list The list of member accounts to be added. Each member list need to have values of account_id, member_email and invite boolean object [] No


Name Description
detector_id The ID of the GuardDuty detector
account_id The AWS account ID of the GuardDuty detector


GuardDuty Master

A GuardDuty instance configured as a Master that invites a list of members:

variable "member_account_id" {}
variable "member_email" {}

module "guardduty" {
  source = ""
  bucket_name = "s3-audit-someclient-guardduty"

  detector_enable = true
  is_guardduty_master = true
  has_ipset = true
  has_threatintelset = true

  ipset_activate = true
  ipset_format = "TXT"
  ipset_iplist = [

  threatintelset_activate = true
  threatintelset_format = "TXT"
  threatintelset_iplist = [

  member_list = [{
    account_id   = var.member_account_id
    member_email = var.member_email
    invite       = true

To apply that:

▶ TF_VAR_member_account_id=xxxxxxxxxxxx terraform apply

GuardDuty Member

Then a GuardDuty Member account can accept the invitation from the Master account using:

variable "master_account_id" {}

module "guardduty" {
  source = ""
  detector_enable = true
  is_guardduty_member = true
  master_account_id = var.master_account_id

To apply that:

▶ TF_VAR_master_account_id=xxxxxxxxxxxx terraform apply


Apache 2.0.