Console_ if you are using a KRNL or any exploit DLL that has a Console, set this to TRUE.
UsingKrnl_ this is obvious, if you are using KRNL, and not any other(s), set this to TRUE.
ClearLines() clears everything in console. use only on a DLL with console, but with no key.
Overwrite() main function, overwrites any text and modifies it with the user text.
ConsoleTitle_ rename this to your console title (example: krnl v1.06v) would be renamed.
Text1_ add some lines or texts to your 'modified' DLL to make it more realistic.
Text2_ add the credits to the owner (this case would be IceBear) or the DLL developer.
Text3_ tell the user you need a key system and make them cry.
Text4_ some friendly message but im not friendly so add whatever you want here.
Be redirected to Dual Injector on and download it.
Add the first DLL name (my-krnl.dll) which is the modified DLL, and the real DLL (krnl.dll).
Please make sure (my-krnl.dll) the source i've made is injected into ROBLOX first!
Open ROBLOX and press 'Dual Inject', wait until the console opens and krnl is injected.
Soon to be documentated.