A fully-featured Lavalink client library for Lua that works seamlessly with Discordia.
This client library is in heavy development and will change drastically. Please do not use this production until all bugs have been worked out.
To install this library, you must use the lit
package manager as follows:
lit install cloudwithax/flare
Heres a quick example:
local discordia = require('discordia')
local flare = require('flare')
local Pool = flare.Pool
local Player = flare.Player
local Node = flare.Node
local client = discordia.Client()
local node = {
host = '',
port = 2333,
password = 'youshallnotpass',
identifier = 'mynode'
client:on('ready', function()
Pool():create_node(client, node)
print('Logged in as ' .. client.user.username)
client:on('messageCreate', function(message)
-- handle your commands here
if command == 'join' then
local player = Node:create_player(vc)
elseif command == 'play' then
local player = Node:get_player(guildid)
local tracks = player:get_tracks(query)
local track = tracks[1]
elseif command == 'leave' then
local player = Node:get_player(guildid)
client:run('Bot <your token here>')