This plugin enables a user to create a private and public key.
- Tested with Cloudify Manager 4.0+.
- For Cloudify Manager 4.0 and above: Private key can be stored in secret store.
This basic example covers a trivial scenario:
- Create and store a private key in secret store.
- Create a public key.
- Install:
$ cfy install cloudify_ssh/examples/ssh-key-blueprint.yaml -b key-test
Uploading blueprint cloudify_ssh/examples/ssh-key-blueprint.yaml...
ssh-key-blueprint.... |################################################| 100.0%
Blueprint uploaded. The blueprint's id is key-test
Creating new deployment from blueprint key-test...
Deployment created. The deployment's id is key-test
Executing workflow install on deployment key-test [timeout=900 seconds]
Deployment environment creation is in progress...
2017-04-24 12:38:58.336 CFY <key-test> Starting 'create_deployment_environment' workflow execution
2017-04-24 12:39:10.654 CFY <key-test> Starting 'install' workflow execution
2017-04-20 20:25:15.218 CFY <key-test> 'install' workflow execution succeeded
Finished executing workflow install on deployment key-test
$ cfy secrets list
Listing all secrets...
| key | created_at | updated_at | permission | tenant_name | created_by |
| example-key | 2017-04-24 12:39:14.681 | 2017-04-24 12:39:14.681 | creator | default_tenant | admin |
Notice the secret was created.
- Uninstall:
$ cfy uninstall key-test -p ignore_failure=true
Executing workflow uninstall on deployment key-test [timeout=900 seconds]
2017-04-24 12:40:33.563 CFY <key-test> Starting 'uninstall' workflow execution
2017-04-24 12:40:38.439 CFY <key-test> 'uninstall' workflow execution succeeded
Finished executing workflow uninstall on deployment key-test