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217 lines (213 loc) · 18.9 KB

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217 lines (213 loc) · 18.9 KB


Name Description Type Default Required
actions_runner_controller Enable actions_runner_controller add-on bool false no
actions_runner_controller_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
actions_runner_controller_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for actions_runner_controller Chart any null no
aws_ebs_csi_driver Enable AWS EBS CSI Driver add-on bool false no
aws_ebs_csi_driver_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
aws_ebs_csi_driver_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for EBS CSI Driver Helm Chart any null no
aws_ebs_csi_driver_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for EBS CSI Driver IRSA string null no
aws_efs_csi_driver Enable AWS EFS CSI Driver add-on bool false no
aws_efs_csi_driver_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
aws_efs_csi_driver_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for AWS EFS CSI Driver Helm Chart any null no
aws_efs_csi_driver_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for EFS CSI Driver IRSA string null no
aws_load_balancer_controller Enable AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on bool false no
aws_load_balancer_controller_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
aws_load_balancer_controller_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for AWS Load Balancer Controller Helm Chart any null no
aws_load_balancer_controller_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for Load Balancer Controller IRSA string null no
aws_node_termination_handler Enable AWS Node Termination Handler add-on bool false no
aws_node_termination_handler_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
aws_node_termination_handler_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for AWS Node Termination Handler Helm Chart any null no
calico_tigera Enable Tigera's Calico add-on bool false no
calico_tigera_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
calico_tigera_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Calico Helm Chart any null no
certification_manager Enable certification_manager add-on bool false no
certification_manager_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
certification_manager_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Certification Manager Chart any null no
cluster_autoscaler Enable Cluster Autoscaler add-on bool false no
cluster_autoscaler_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
cluster_autoscaler_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Cluster Autoscaler Helm Chart any null no
cluster_autoscaler_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for ClusterAutoscaler IRSA string null no
data_plane_wait_arn This waits for the data plane to be ready string "" no
eks_cluster_name Name of eks cluster string "" no
external_dns Enable External DNS add-on bool false no
external_dns_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
external_dns_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for External DNS Helm Chart any null no
external_dns_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for External DNS string null no
external_secrets Enable External-Secrets add-on bool false no
external_secrets_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
external_secrets_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for External-Secrets Helm Chart any null no
external_secrets_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for External-Secrets IRSA string null no
filebeat Enable Filebeat add-on bool false no
filebeat_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
filebeat_helm_config Filebeat Helm Chart config any null no
fluent_bit Enable FluentBit add-on bool false no
fluent_bit_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
fluent_bit_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for FluentBit Helm Chart any null no
fluent_bit_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for FluentBit IRSA string null no
grafana Enable Grafana add-on bool false no
grafana_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
grafana_helm_config Grafana Helm Chart config any null no
grafana_manifests Path of virtual-service yaml manifests
grafana_virtualservice_file_path = string
"grafana_virtualservice_file_path": ""
ingress_nginx Enable ingress nginx add-on bool false no
ingress_nginx_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any null no
ingress_nginx_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Ingress Nginx Helm Chart any null no
irsa_iam_permissions_boundary IRSA Input configuration for the addon_context any {} no
irsa_iam_role_path IRSA Input configuration for the addon_context any {} no
istio_ingress Enable Istio Ingress add-on bool false no
istio_ingress_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
istio_ingress_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Istio Ingress Helm Chart any null no
istio_manifests Path of Ingress and Gateway yaml manifests
istio_ingress_manifest_file_path = list(any)
istio_gateway_manifest_file_path = list(any)
"istio_gateway_manifest_file_path": [
"istio_ingress_manifest_file_path": [
jaeger Enable jaeger add-on bool false no
jaeger_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
jaeger_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Jaeger Chart any null no
karpenter Enable KARPENTER add-on bool false no
karpenter_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
karpenter_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Karpenter Helm Chart any null no
karpenter_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for Karpenter IRSA string null no
keda Enable Keda add-on bool false no
keda_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
keda_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Keda Helm Chart any null no
kiali_manifests Path of virtual-service yaml manifests
kiali_virtualservice_file_path = string
"kiali_virtualservice_file_path": ""
kiali_server Enable kiali server add-on bool false no
kiali_server_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
kiali_server_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Kiali Server Helm Chart any null no
kube_state_metrics Enable Kube-State-Metrics add-on bool false no
kube_state_metrics_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
kube_state_metrics_helm_config Kube-State-Metrics Helm Chart config any null no
kubeclarity Enable Kubeclarity add-on bool false no
kubeclarity_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
kubeclarity_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Kubeclarity Helm Chart any null no
loki Enable loki add-on bool false no
loki_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
loki_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Loki Chart any null no
manage_via_gitops Set this to true if managing addons via GitOps. Seting true will not create helm-release for addon. bool false no
metrics_server Enable metrics server add-on bool false no
metrics_server_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
metrics_server_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Metrics Server Helm Chart any null no
new_relic Enable New-Relic-Agent add-on bool false no
new_relic_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
new_relic_helm_config New-Relic Helm Chart config any null no
prometheus Enable prometheus add-on bool false no
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter Enable Prometheus Cloudwatch Exporter add-on bool false no
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Promtheus Cloudwatch Exporter Chart any null no
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_role_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for Prometheus Cloudwatch Exporter's Role string null no
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_secret_manifest Path of prometheus cloudwatch exporter manifest string null no
prometheus_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
prometheus_helm_config Prometheus Helm Chart config any null no
redis Enable Redis add-on bool false no
redis_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
redis_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Redis Helm Chart any null no
reloader Enable Reloader add-on bool false no
reloader_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
reloader_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Reloader Helm Chart any null no
tags IRSA Input configuration for the addon_context any {} no
velero Enable Velero add-on bool false no
velero_extra_configs Override attributes of helm_release terraform resource any {} no
velero_helm_config Path to override-values.yaml for Velero Helm Chart any null no
velero_iampolicy_json_content Custom IAM Policy for Velero IRSA string null no


Name Description
actions_runner_controller_chart_version Chart version of the actions_runner_controller Helm Chart.
actions_runner_controller_namespace The namespace where actions_runner_controller is deployed.
actions_runner_controller_repository Helm chart repository of the actions_runner_controller.
aws_ebs_csi_driver_chart_version chart version used for aws-ebs-csi-driver helmchart
aws_ebs_csi_driver_iam_policy IAM Policy name used in aws-ebs-csi-driver irsa
aws_ebs_csi_driver_namespace Namespace where aws-ebs-csi-driver is installed
aws_ebs_csi_driver_repository helm repository url of aws-ebs-csi-driver
aws_ebs_csi_driver_service_account name of aws-ebs-csi-driver service-account
aws_efs_csi_driver_chart_version chart version used for aws-efs-csi-driver helmchart
aws_efs_csi_driver_iam_policy IAM Policy name used in aws-efs-csi-driver irsa
aws_efs_csi_driver_namespace Namespace where aws-efs-csi-driver is installed
aws_efs_csi_driver_repository helm repository url of aws-efs-csi-driver
aws_efs_csi_driver_service_account name of aws-efs-csi-driver service-account
aws_load_balancer_controller_chart_version chart version used for aws-load-balancer-controller helmchart
aws_load_balancer_controller_iam_policy IAM Policy name used in aws-load-balancer-controller irsa
aws_load_balancer_controller_namespace Namespace where aws-load-balancer-controller is installed
aws_load_balancer_controller_repository helm repository url of aws-load-balancer-controller
aws_load_balancer_controller_service_account name of aws-load-balancer-controller service-account
calico_tigera_chart_version chart version used for calico-tigera helmchart
calico_tigera_namespace Namespace where calico-tigera is installed
calico_tigera_repository helm repository url of calico-tigera
certification_manager_chart_version Chart version of the certification-manager Helm Chart.
certification_manager_namespace The namespace where certification-manager is deployed.
certification_manager_repository Helm chart repository of the certification-manager.
cluster_autoscaler_chart_version chart version used for cluster-autoscaler helmchart
cluster_autoscaler_iam_policy IAM Policy name used in cluster-autoscaler irsa
cluster_autoscaler_namespace Namespace where cluster-autoscaler is installed
cluster_autoscaler_repository helm repository url of cluster-autoscaler
cluster_autoscaler_service_account name of cluster-autoscaler service-account
external_dns_chart_version Chart version of the external dns Helm Chart.
external_dns_namespace The namespace where external dns is deployed.
external_dns_repository Helm chart repository of the external dns.
external_secrets_chart_version chart version used for external-secrets helmchart
external_secrets_iam_policy Name of IAM Policy used in external-secrets irsa
external_secrets_namespace Namespace where external-secrets is installed
external_secrets_repository helm repository url of external-secrets
external_secrets_service_account name of external-secrets service-account
filebeat_chart_version chart version used for Filebeat helmchart
filebeat_namespace Namespace where Filebeat is installed
filebeat_repository helm repository url of Filebeat
fluent_bit_chart_version chart version used for fluent-bit helmchart
fluent_bit_iam_policy IAM Policy name used in fluent-bit irsa
fluent_bit_namespace Namespace where fluent-bit is installed
fluent_bit_repository helm repository url of fluent-bit
fluent_bit_service_account name of fluent-bit service-account
grafana_chart_version Chart version of the grafana Helm Chart.
grafana_namespace The namespace where grafana is deployed.
grafana_repository Helm chart repository of the grafana.
ingress_nginx_chart_version chart version used for ingress-nginx helmchart
ingress_nginx_namespace Namespace where ingress-nginx is installed
ingress_nginx_repository helm repository url of ingress-nginx
istio_ingress_chart_version chart version used for istio-ingress helmchart
istio_ingress_namespace Namespace where istio-ingress is installed
istio_ingress_repository helm repository url of istio-ingress
jaeger_chart_version Chart version of the jaeger Helm Chart.
jaeger_namespace The namespace where jaeger is deployed.
jaeger_repository Helm chart repository of the jaeger.
karpenter_chart_version chart version used for karpenter helmchart
karpenter_iam_policy IAM Policy name used in karpenter irsa
karpenter_namespace Namespace where karpenter is installed
karpenter_repository helm repository url of karpenter
karpenter_service_account name of karpenter service-account
keda_chart_version Chart version of the Keda Helm Chart.
keda_namespace The namespace where Keda is deployed.
keda_repository Helm chart repository of the Keda.
kiali_server_chart_version chart version used for kiali-server helmchart
kiali_server_namespace Namespace where kiali-server is installed
kiali_server_repository helm repository url of kiali-server
kube_state_metrics_chart_version Chart version of the Kube-State-Metrics Helm Chart.
kube_state_metrics_namespace The namespace where Kube-State-Metrics is deployed.
kube_state_metrics_repository Helm chart repository of the Kube-State-Metrics.
kubeclarity_chart_version chart version used for kubeclarity helmchart
kubeclarity_namespace Namespace where kubeclarity is installed
kubeclarity_repository helm repository url of kubeclarity
loki_chart_version Chart version of the loki Helm Chart.
loki_namespace The namespace where loki is deployed.
loki_repository Helm chart repository of the loki.
metrics_server_chart_version chart version used for metrics-server helmchart
metrics_server_namespace Namespace where metrics-server is installed
metrics_server_repository helm repository url of metrics-server
new_relic_chart_version chart version used for new-relic helmchart
new_relic_namespace Namespace where new-relic is installed
new_relic_repository helm repository url of new-relic
prometheus_chart_version Chart version of the prometheus Helm Chart.
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_chart_version Chart version of the Prometheus Cloudwatch Exporter Helm Chart.
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_namespace The namespace where Prometheus Cloudwatch Exporter is deployed.
prometheus_cloudwatch_exporter_repository Helm chart repository of the Prometheus Cloudwatch Exporter.
prometheus_namespace The namespace where prometheus is deployed.
prometheus_repository Helm chart repository of the prometheus.
redis_chart_version Chart version of the Redis Helm Chart.
redis_namespace The namespace where Redis is deployed.
redis_repository Helm chart repository of the Redis.
reloader_chart_version Chart version of the reloader Helm Chart.
reloader_namespace The namespace where reloader is deployed.
reloader_repository Helm chart repository of the reloader.
velero_chart_version chart version used for velero helmchart
velero_iam_policy IAM Policy name used in velero irsa
velero_namespace Namespace where velero is installed
velero_repository helm repository url of velero
velero_service_account name of velero service-account