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129 lines (79 loc) · 6.58 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (79 loc) · 6.58 KB


A Clojure library designed to extend the file support for Clojask. This library can also be used alone to read in and output dataset files.


Available on Clojars: Clojars Project


NS: clojask-io.core


Check if this library supports to read and write this format of file.

Argument Type Function Remarks
format String Indicates the format of type, e.g. "csv", "xls", "txt", etc.




Infer the file format from the path (get the substring after the last .).

Argument Type Function Remarks
path String Indicates where to find the file (either on local machine or online) - For local files, absolute / relative path of the file
- For online resources, url of the resources


String, such as "csv", "xls" (nil if fails to infer)

NS: clojask-io.input


Read in a file as lazy sequence. Optionally, provide size of the file, corresponding output functions.

Supported file types: csv, txt, dat, tsv, tab. The file size can be larger than memory.

Argument Type Function Remarks
path String Indicates where to find the file (either on local machine or online) - For local files, absolute / relative path of the file
- For online resources, url of the resources
[format] String The format of the file Will be inferred from the path suffix if not provided. Will imply the separator (sep) based on pre-setting.
[sep] String / java.util.regex.Pattern (regex) The separator of each row of the dataset file
[wrap] String Wrapper of each value Sometimes, the file will wrap each value some punctuations, e.g "" / ''. Can remove them automatically by setting this argument. Does not support asymmetric wrappers.
[stat] Boolean Whether to get the size of the file If true, the return value will add a :size key-value pair in unit of bytes. Size value will be nil if cannot be retrieved.
[output] Boolean Whether to also return the corresponding output function If true, the return value will add a :output key-value pair.


{:data a lazy sequence of vectors representing each row [:size the size in byte] [:output output function]}


Read in an excel file as lazy sequence. Optionally, provide size of the file.

A simplified wrapper function of Docjure. The excel file should be smaller than memory size.

Argument Type Function Remarks
path String Indicates where to find the file (either on local machine or online) - For local files, absolute / relative path of the file
- For online resources, url of the resources
sheet String Name of the sheet
[stat] Boolean Whether to get the size of the file If true, the return value will add a :size key-value pair in unit of bytes. Size value will be nil if cannot be retrieved.


{:data a lazy sequence of vectors representing each row [:size the size in byte]}

NS: clojask-io.output


Synchronously write a collection of collections to a csv-like file.

Argument Type Function Remarks
writer The writer initialized to the output file
sequence Collection The output content Should a two-dimensional collection
separator String The separator between values in the same row


(defn write-csv
  "output to a csv file using a collection of collections"
  [writer seq sep]
  (doseq [row seq]
    (.write writer (str (str/join sep row) "\n"))




Synchronously write a collection of collections to an excel file.

A simplified wrapper function of Docjure.

Argument Type Function Remarks
path String Indicates the path of output file Absolute / relative path of local file system
sheet String Name of the sheet
sequence Collection The output content Should a two-dimensional collection



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