- build the new v23.02.1 point release (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 12-03-2023
- build image for the v22.11.1 version (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 05-02-2023
- incread alpine version and cleanup image (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 11-08-2022
- remove python plugin commando and use the commando C plugin (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 03-08-2022
- conf: remove the python commando plugin from conf (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 03-08-2022
- remove python plugin commando and use the commando C plugin (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 03-08-2022
- docker: refres conf file and plugins they may change during upgrade (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 15-07-2022
- cln hot fix release v0.11.1 (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 19-05-2022
- add lnmetrics plugin and grpc plugin (commit). @vincenzopalazzo 30-04-2022