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This project provides the server-side component of a complete telemetrics (telemetry + analytics) solution for Linux-based operating systems. The client-side component source repository lives at

It consists of a Flask application telemetryui, that exposes several views to visualize the telemetry data. The telemetryui app also provides a REST API to perform queries on the data.

The applications run within a web stack, using the nginx web server, the uWSGI application server, and PostgreSQL as the underlying database server.

The Flask apps have several other dependencies and are listed below.

  • SQLAlchemy - for performing queries on the PostgreSQL database
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy - for SQLAlchemy integration with Flask
  • WTForms - for HTML form validation and rendering
  • Flask-WTF - for WTForms integration with Flask
  • alembic - for performing database migrations
  • Flask-Migrate - for alembic integration with Flask
  • Jinja2 - templating engine used by Flask
  • Bootstrap - for styling of Jinja2 templates
  • jQuery - for client-side scripting in templates
  • Chart.js - for rendering of charts in templates

Security considerations

The telemetrics-backend was written with a particular deployment scenario in mind: single server/VM hosting and running on an internal LAN (e.g. a corporate network not exposed to the public internet). Also, no identity management, user authentication, or role-based access controls have yet been implemented for the applications.

To control access to the applications, it is recommended that system administrators leverage web server authentication.

Regarding alternate deployment scenarios, one might want to host the telemetryui and database on three separate servers/VMs; and implement network access controls for these systems. The in-tree deployment script does not support these types of deployments, but with minimal modification to the source, they should be possible.


To install the telemetrics-backend, a deployment/installation script is provided that auto-installs required dependencies for the applications, configures nginx and uwsgi, deploys snapshots of the applications, and starts all required services. The script is named and lives in the scripts/ directory in this repository.

The script supports installation to the following Linux distributions: Ubuntu Server 16.04 (or newer), and Clear Linux OS for Intel Architecture (any recent build).

Running the deployment script

To see all options, run:

$ cd scripts
$ ./ -h


  • Copy the script to the system where you will be installing telemetrics-backend (e.g. using scp). Remote installations are not yet supported.

  • On Ubuntu Server, make sure you apt-get update before continuing.

  • Install sudo if needed, and add your user to sudoers.

  • Set the https_proxy variable in the shell environment if your system is behind a proxy.


To perform a fresh installation on Ubuntu Server, run the following locally on the system:

$ ./ -H localhost -a install

If you are installing on Clear Linux OS, run:

$ ./ -H localhost -d clr -a install

Installation Notes

During script execution, you will be prompted for user input:

  • The first prompt begins with "DB password:", asking for a password to set for the telemetry database. If you do not enter a value before pressing ENTER, the password will be postgres.

  • If your sudo access requires a password, you will be prompted for that password in the course of the installation.

  • When installing to Clear Linux OS, you will be prompted to enter a password for the postgres user account. This is necessary because Clear Linux OS by default ships with a postgres system account, not a user account. Thus the script modifies the account and requires a password set to properly configure PostgreSQL.

When the installation is complete, you will see the following message:

Install complete (installation folder: /var/www/telemetry)

Other options

Other useful options for include -r and -s. The -r option sets the location for the telemetrics-backend git source repository you are working with. Its default value is the upstream repo location on The -s option lets you select a different git branch to install/deploy from rather than "master", the default value.

telemetryui views

The telemetryui app is a web app that exposes several views to visualize the telemetry data and also provides a REST API to perform queries on record data.

The current views are:

  • Records view - a paginated list of all records in the telemetry database that have been accepted by the collector. The records are presented in tabular format and the columns map to select fields from the records database table. At the top of the view, an HTML form can be used for "advanced searches", filtering the list of records to display.

  • Builds view - a basic column chart that displays how many records have been received for each OS build. Note that the view is optimized for Clear Linux OS, since the chart only displays data for records when their build numbers are integers. For example, records with non-integer build numbers, like "16.04" for Ubuntu, are not displayed in this view.

  • Stats view - two pie charts displaying the statistical breakdown of classifications and platforms for all records in the database. The "classification" field is used to identify the type of record sent by a specific client probe; classifications use the format DOMAIN/PROBE/REST, where DOMAIN is the vendor of the probe, PROBE is the probe name, and REST is a probe-defined field to classify what is contained in the payload. The "platform" field is a formatted string, "sys_vendor|product_name|product_version", where the values are taken from files with those names in the /sys/class/dmi/id/ directory; if any of these files are empty or contain only space characters, the client library substitutes "blank" for their value.

  • Crashes view - features a table displaying the top 10 crash reports from crash records received in the past week. It only consumes records from the telemetrics-client crashprobe, which extracts backtrace information from core files and creates/sends telemetry records containing this data. The crash reports are grouped by "guilties"; a guilty is a frame from a crash backtrace chosen as the best candidate for the cause of the crash. The logic for determining crash record guilty frames accepts user input; the user can identify which frames in a backtrace are never guilty.

  • MCE view - charts that display MCE (machine check exception) data from a patched version of mcelog that uses libtelemetry to create and send telemetry records. The mcelog patch is available from

  • Thermal view - similar to the MCE view, but it only displays a chart for MCE Thermal event records, also received from the patched mcelog.

  • Updates view - displays a SWUPD update matrix, which lists the total number of successful SWUPD updates of the Clear Linux OS from build versions listed in the first column to build versions listed in the top row. The rightmost column and bottommost row list the total of updates from or to each version, respectively. The update statistics are received from the swupd-probe, which monitors the /var/lib/swupd/telemetry directory for files created by SWUPD that describe certain software update events, or other events of interest (a user adds a bundle, runs swupd verify --fix, etc).

  • Population view - contains column charts that display the number of unique systems that are running each version of an OS over a specific range of time. The "uniqueness" of a system is determined by its "machine ID" field, managed by the telemetrics-client daemon, which by default rotates the value every 3 days. Thus, the analysis presented in this view is fuzzy due to the machine ID rotation.

Custom telemetryui views

To provided users with an extensible framework a concept of "plugin views" was implemented to add views without the need to make changes to the core of the application. To read more about plugin view go to relevant documentation.

Special configuration

Configuring nginx for TLS

The sites_nginx.conf config file is already enabled to accept TLS connections on port 443. However, you must install the X509 certificate chain and the certificate private key to a specific location before running Both files should be in PEM format. Additional details on specific considerations can be found in the nginx documentation.

The certificate chain must be installed to /etc/nginx/ssl/telemetry.cert.pem and the private key installed to /etc/nginx/ssl/telemetry.key.pem.

If the certificates are not preinstalled, the script will simply comment out TLS-related nginx configuration. Specifically, it will comment out the listen 443 ssl, ssl_certificate, ssl_certificate_key, ssl_protocols, and ssl_ciphers directives.

Using the REST API

A REST API for querying records is available at "/api/records". The API returns a JSON response that contains a list of records keyed on "records".

Several parameters are available for filtering queries, similar to the filters available through the telemetryui Records view.

  • classification: The classification of the record. Right now this is restricted at 140 characters. If a classification with more that 140 characters is supplied as a query parameter, an HTTP response 400 is sent back.
  • severity: The severity of the record. Restricted to integer value.
  • machine_id: The id of the machine where this record was generated on. Should be 32 characters in length.
  • build: The build on which the record was generated. Restricted to 256 characters.
  • created_in_days: This should be an integer value. It causes the query to return records created after the last given days. Note: the server timestamp is used as a reference point.
  • created_in_sec: This should be an integer again. If returns the records created after the last given seconds. This is used only if the previous parameter is absent. Note: the server timestamp is used as a reference point.
  • limit: The maximum number of records to be returned.

Example queries

To query for records, simply make a GET call to the endpoint.

  • GET /api/records - Returns a maximum of 10000 most recent records in the backend database ordered by the record id (descending).
  • GET /api/records?classification=org.clearlinux%2Fkernel%2Fwarning&severity=2&build=2980&created_in_sec=5&limit=100 - Returns at most 100 records with the classification "org.clearlinux/kernel/warning", severity 2, build 2980, and created in the last 5 seconds. As shown the query parameters need to be URL encoded.

Response object

The response is a JSON object that contains a list of objects keyed on "records". This list is empty in case no records match the query parameters. Example response:

    "records": [
            "arch": "x86_64",
            "build": "2980",
            "classification": "org.clearlinux/hello/world",
            "kernel_version": "4.2.0-120",
            "machine_id": "66c196ce4222dd761470da5e7e35f6f1",
            "machine_type": "blank|blank|blank",
            "payload": "hello\n\n",
            "record_format_version": 2,
            "severity": 1,
            "ts_capture": "2015-09-30 00:39:35 UTC",
            "ts_reception": "2015-09-30 00:56:59 UTC"
            "arch": "x86_64",
            "build": "2980",
            "classification": "org.clearlinux/hello/world",
            "kernel_version": "4.2.0-120",
            "machine_id": "66c196ce4222dd761470da5e7e35f6f1",
            "machine_type": "blank|blank|blank",
            "payload": "hello\n",
            "record_format_version": 2,
            "severity": 1,
            "ts_capture": "2015-09-30 00:36:22 UTC",
            "ts_reception": "2015-09-30 00:38:45 UTC"

Creating new database migrations

Database migrations are managed using Flask-Migrate. Upon initial install of telemetrics-backend, the first migration will be applied, and any additional migrations in the telemetryui/migrations/versions/ directory will be applied in sequence and upgrade the telemetry schema to the latest version.

To create a new migration, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Deploy telemetrics-backend from a git topic branch (not production).
  2. On the system deployed to, run
sudo su
cd /var/www/telemetry/
  1. Modify shared/ as needed to make changes to the associated database schema.
  2. When finished, create a migration with
cd telemetryui
source ../venv/bin/activate
flask db migrate
  1. The last command above will report the name of the new (autogenerated) migration file. Modify it if additional migration steps are necessary beyond what Flask-Migrate autogenerated for you. To apply the migration to the database you need to execute the following command:
flask db upgrade
  1. Copy the new file back to your git repository (into the telemetryui/migrations/versions directory), push it to your topic branch, and redeploy to test the new migration.

Software License

The telemetrics-backend project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full license text is found in the LICENSE file, and individual source files contain the boilerplate notice described in the appendix of the LICENSE file.

Security Disclosures

To report a security issue or receive security advisories please follow procedures in this link.