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All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
id_unique_id_get GET /id/{uniqueId} Find record(s) by specific id


WosLiteResponse id_unique_id_get(database_id, unique_id, count, first_record, lang=lang, sort_field=sort_field)

Find record(s) by specific id

This operation returns a record identified by a unique identifier. You may specify multiple identifiers in a single request.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import woslite_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: key
configuration = woslite_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['X-ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = woslite_client.IntegrationApi(woslite_client.ApiClient(configuration))
database_id = 'database_id_example' # str | Database to search. Must be a valid database ID, one of the following: BCI/BIOABS/BIOSIS/CCC/DCI/DIIDW/MEDLINE/WOK/WOS/ZOOREC. WOK represents all databases.
unique_id = 'unique_id_example' # str | Primary item(s) id to be searched, ex: WOS:000270372400005. Cannot be null or an empty string. Multiple values are separated by comma.
count = 56 # int | Number of records returned in the request
first_record = 56 # int | Specific record, if any within the result set to return. Cannot be less than 1 and greater than 100000.
lang = 'lang_example' # str | Language of search. This element can take only one value: en for English. If no language is specified, English is passed by default. (optional)
sort_field = 'sort_field_example' # str | Order by field(s). Field name and order by clause separated by '+', use A for ASC and D for DESC, ex: PY+D. Multiple values are separated by comma. (optional)

    # Find record(s) by specific id
    api_response = api_instance.id_unique_id_get(database_id, unique_id, count, first_record, lang=lang, sort_field=sort_field)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling IntegrationApi->id_unique_id_get: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
database_id str Database to search. Must be a valid database ID, one of the following: BCI/BIOABS/BIOSIS/CCC/DCI/DIIDW/MEDLINE/WOK/WOS/ZOOREC. WOK represents all databases.
unique_id str Primary item(s) id to be searched, ex: WOS:000270372400005. Cannot be null or an empty string. Multiple values are separated by comma.
count int Number of records returned in the request
first_record int Specific record, if any within the result set to return. Cannot be less than 1 and greater than 100000.
lang str Language of search. This element can take only one value: en for English. If no language is specified, English is passed by default. [optional]
sort_field str Order by field(s). Field name and order by clause separated by '+', use A for ASC and D for DESC, ex: PY+D. Multiple values are separated by comma. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/xml

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