I'm Claire, and I'm in my senior year at Miami University majoring in computer engineering and electrical engineering with a minor in computer science. I'm from Brentwood, TN, but I was born in Green Bay, WI, so I like to say I went north for college because I missed the cold. I definitely experience the cold at school and it is not what I was used to in Brentwood.
I didn't start coding until my senior year of high school when I took AP Computer Science Principles because I heard it was an easy class to get good credit in and I had space in my schedule. Little did I know that I would have so much passion for programming and eventually study it in college! I learned Javascript during my first year of coding, but since then I have learned and worked with many different programming languages. My main languages are C, C++, Verilog, and VHDL. Alongside programming, I also really enjoy physics and the hardware side of technology, so I thought double-majoring in computer engineering and electrical engineering was the perfect way to combine all of the different topics I enjoy.
Since I started programming back in 2020, I've acquired a lot of skills and experiences. Check out my projects below and my LinkedIn for more information about what I've been up to!
- BER Plot of BCH Coded/Uncoded 8PSK (π’ MATLAB)
- Pinball Machine Display (π‘ Arduino)
- Maze-Solving Robot (π‘ Arduino)
- Tilt Switch Library (π΅ C)
Click on the classes for more information!
CSE 174: Fundamentals of Programming (π΄ Java)
- Freshman Year Fall Semester, 2021
- Learned the fundamentals of Java programming
- Practiced problem solving with Java
CSE 262: Technology, Ethics, and Global Society
- Junior Year Fall Semester, 2023
- 7 theories of the Spectrum of Ethics: Communitarianism, Deontology, Egoism, Ethic of Caring, Existentialism, Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics
- Digital privacy
- European Union's GDPR
- Risk management
- Ethical hacking
- Accessible technology and disability services
- Social media moderation: Seciton 230, EU DSA
- Boeing 737 Max Incidents
- Therac-25 Incidents
- Doomscrolling
- Search engines/ChatGPT
- Tech ethics of the future
CSE 271: Object-Oriented Programming (π΄ Java)
- Freshman Year Spring Semester, 2022
- Learned the four key principles of Object-Oriented Programming: Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
- Focused more on learning more functionality of Java than problem solving
- Practiced making classes, understanding UML notation, inplementing inheritance and polymorphism
- Introduced testing code and getting coverage with JUnit
- Introduced GUIs
- Learned the concept of recursion and practiced coding it
CSE 274: Data Abstraction and Data Structures (π΄ Java)
- Sophomore Year Fall Semester, 2022
- Learn about and practice different data structures
- Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Hash Tables, Hash Maps, Priority Queues, Trees and Binary Trees
CSE 278: Systems I (π‘ C++)
- Sophomore Year Spring Semester, 2023
- Used Linux commands in terminal/command prompt
- C++ programming
- Functions
- Pass by reference, pass by value
- Scope of variables
- Function overloading
- Separate files and modular compilation
- Makefile
- Array & Vector
- I/O file stream
- Pointers
- GDB Debugger
- Pointers (declaration, arithmetic, functions with pointer parameters)
- Command Line arguments
- Set, Map
- Class Design (Constructors, Accessors, Mutators, Split Design)
- Operator Overloading (member, non-member)
- Dynamic Memory Management (Operators new, delete, Heap Memory, Memory Leak)
- Rule of Three (Destructors, Copy constructor, Copy assignment operator)
- Network (IP address, port number, Linux commands for network, Socket Programming)
- Basic SQL for Database work
CSE 381: Systems II (π‘ C++)
- Junior Year Fall Semester, 2023
- Virtualization and hypervisors
- Cloud computing and types of clouds
- C++ review
- Linux OS, computer systems, operating systems
- Syscalls, booting, and processes
- Fork and exec
- Multiprocessing, pipes, file permissions
- [Multi]Threading, race conditions
- Amdahl's Law
- Data and task parallel multithreading
- Critical sections and mutex
- Producer and consumer threads: busy-wait and sleep-wake
- Filesystems
- Cybersecurity, common attacks
- Great programming practices/skills
ECE 102: Intro to Electrical and Computer Engineering (π΅ C, π’ MATLAB, π£ HTML/CSS)
- Freshman Year Spring Semester, 2022
- Introduced and practiced navigating Linux terminal and directories and editing files within terminal
- Practiced coding with C
- Created simple webpages with HTML and CSS
- Built and coded Lego Mindstorm robots to battle using NXC in Bricx Command Center
- Practiced different applications of Microsoft Excel
- Experiemented with Arduino Uno boards and coded on the Arduino IDE
- Worked with MatLab
ECE 205: Electric Circuit Analysis
- Sophomore Year Fall Semester, 2022
- Learned the basics of circuits
- Ohm's Law
- Kirchoff's Circuit Law, Kirchoff's Voltage Law
- Nodal analysis, mesh nodal analysis
- Superposition, Source Transformation
- Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems
- Op Amps, Inverting and Non-Inverting Amps
- Capacitors and Inductors
- RC and RL Circuits
- Passive and Active Filters
- Used complex numbers to calculate Impedence
ECE 287: Digital Systems Design (βͺοΈ Verilog)
- Sophomore Year Fall Semester, 2022
- Used Quartus and Verilog as our Hardware Description Language to work with an FPGA board
- Transistors, logic gates, schematics
- Combinational Logic
- Number Systems
- Combinational Circuits
- Memory with Flip Flops and Registers
- Finite State Machines
- On-RAM Memory
- Final Project implementing all the things we learned this semester
ECE 289: Computer Organization (β«οΈ Assembly)
- Sophomore Year Spring Semester, 2023
- Assembly with MIPs using MARs
- Understood computer architecture
- Optimization using compiler pipelining, and cache optimizations
- Architecture Hardware Implementation Project
ECE 301: Circuits II & Renewable Energy
- Junior Year Spring Semester, 2024
ECE 304: Electronics
- Junior Year Fall Semester, 2023
- General circuit analysis review
- Characteristics of ideal opamp
- Analyzing and solving non-inverting and inverting opamp circuit problems
- Applications of phasors in circuits
- Solving for and using transfer functions and corner frequencies
- Low-pass, high-pass, and band-pass filters
- Analyzing and solving amplifier circuit problems
- Gain: power, voltage, and current
- Bode plots
- Diodes: solving and applications
- Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs): NPN and PNP
- Large and small signal model analysis of NPN BJT circuits
- Large and small signal model analysis of MOSFET circuits
- Final Project: VU Meter Analog Circuit
ECE 306: Signals and Systems
- Sophomore Year Spring Semester, 2023
- Signal classification and operations
- Reviewed common signals (step, impulse, complex exponential)
- Fourier analysis
- System properties and determining them
- Transfer function, H(E)
- System simulation diagrams
- Found system response using homogenous and particular solutions
- Found system response using zero input response and zero state response
- BIBO stability and how to determine whether or not a system has it
- Found step response using convolution or z-transform
- Found inverse z-transform using partial fraction expansion
- Solved idfference equations
- Applied discrete concepts described above to continuous time systems
- Used Laplace transform to find continuous time step response
- Found frequency responses of both discrete and continuous time systems
ECE 314: Elements of Robotics (π‘ Arduino)
- Junior Year Spring Semester, 2024
- Sensors
- Reactive Behavior
- Finite State Machine
- Robot Motion and Odometry
- Control
- Local Navigation: Obstacle Avoidance
- Localization
- Mapping
- Mapping-Based Navigation
- Fuzzy Logic
- Neural Network
- Machine Learning
- Final Project: Maze-Solving Robot
ECE 325: Applied Electromagnetics
- Junior Year Fall Semester, 2023
- HFSS modeling and simulation using ANSYS
- RLC model of coaxial cable
- Telgrapher Equations
- Characteristic impedance
- Reflection coefficient
- Lattice Diagrams
- Max power transfer and efficiency
- Crosstalk and jitter
- Smith Chart
- Maxwell's equations overview
- Lab, individual project, and final project reports
ECE 345: Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers
- Junior Year Fall Semester, 2023
- Set operations
- Conditional probability, total probability
- Bayes' Rule
- Independence
- Discrete random variables
- Probability mass function
- Expected value
- Continuous random variables
- CDF and PDF
- Gaussian and other density functions
- Expectation and variance
- Conditional CDF and PDF
- Pairs of random variables
- Joint and marginal PMF, CDF, PDF
- Correlation, covariance, correlation coefficient
- Sums of random variables
- Central Limit Theorem
- Sampling distributions
- Parameter estimation and maximum likelihood estimation
- Confidence interval
ECE 388: Smartphone Technologies (π’ MATLAB)
- Senior Year Fall Semester, 2024
- Transmission Fundamentals: Noise, SNR, Capacity, dBs, Data Rate
- Frequency Domain and Carrier Frequencies
- Multiplexing and Communication Networks
- QoS and TCP/IP
- Antennas
- Propogation and Noise
- Multipath and Corrections
- Spread Spectrum, MIMO, Analog Modulation
- Analog Modulation
- Encoding
- Digital Modulation
- Error Detection and Correction
ECE 425: Digital Signal Processing (π’ MATLAB)
- Junior Year Spring Semester, 2024
- Discrete-time signal and systems clasification
- Sampling theory
- Linear Time-Inviariant (LTI) Systems
- Convolution
- Cross-correlation and auto-correlation
- Quantization noise
- Derivations of Fourier Series, Continuous-Time Fourier Transform (CTFT), and Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)
- Convergence of DTFT and Gibb's Phenomenon
- Frequency response of LTI system
- Window methods for FIR filter design
- Analog lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop filder design
- Finite length discrete transform
- Z-transform
- Filter stability
ECE 429: Digital Image Processing (π’ MATLAB)
- Senior Year Fall Semester, 2024
- Intensity Transformation
- Histograms
- Spatial Filtering
- 2D Fourier Transform
- Frequency Domain Filtering
- Noise and Image Degradation
- Image Restoration
- Inverse, Wiener, and Other Filtering
- Color Image
- Convolutional Neural Network
- Computer Tomography
- Image Compression
ECE 436: Control of Dynamic Systems (π’ MATLAB Simulink)
- Senior Year Fall Semester, 2024
- Mathematical Modeling
- Transient Response
- Block Diagram Reduction
- Stability Analysis
- Root Locus Analysis and Design
- Steady-State Error
- Controller Design
- P, PD, PI, PID Control
ECE 453: Communication Systems (π’ MATLAB)
- Senior Year Fall Semester, 2024
- Signal Types and Fourier Series
- Fourier Series
- LTI Systems
- Sampling
- DFT and FFT
- Frequency Translation and Mixing
- Pulse Modulation and TDMA
- PM and FM Modulation
- Angle Demodulation
- QAM and Power Spectra
- Power Shaping
ECE 484: Embedded Systems Design (π΅ C)
- Junior Year Spring Semester, 2024
- Programmed Arduino UNO R3 boards in C
- Embedded Systems Presentations:
- Chip/Peripheral Interface - Tilt Switch
- Children's Toy - Tamagotchi
- Various Embedded System - Vacuum Robot
- Individual Project - Tilt Switch Library
- Case Study - Alarm Clock
- Final Group Project - Pinball Machine
- Individual portion - Pinball Machine Display
ECE 448: Senior Design
- Senior Year Fall Semester, 2024
- Virtual Twinning for Circuit Failure
ART 165: Beginning Metals
- Senior Year Fall Semester, 2024
- Using Metalworking Tools
- Sweat Soldering
- Acid Etching
- Stamping
- Two Main Projects:
- Layered metal piece with cutouts
- Ring
ECE 449: Senior Design
ECE 461: Network Performance Analysis
ECE 430: EM in Wireless Sensing & Communications
ATH 145: Ancient Cities and Civilizations
ART 160: Beginning Ceramics
ART 170: Beginning Woodworking
None! I graduate in May B)
- π§ Email - cghopfensperger@gmail.com
- π¦ LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/clairehopfensperger