Planet Builder is a command line script that will generate equirectangular textures from a specified spaceengine texture pack.
Planet Builder requires a few external python modules. Make sure to install the requirements before running the script.
$> pip install -r .\requirements.txt
You will also need to install the wanted texture pack from Solar System HD or Solar System Ultra
Running the planet builder script is relatively easy.
-h | help: Shows a list of all avaliable commands.
-s | source: Path to parent folder containing the folders "pos_x", "neg_y"...
-r | resolution: Resolution of the LOD. To check all possibles resolution, navigate into your textures folder and check the first character of your files. (eg. '5_0_0.png', 5). If no resolution is specified then the script will use the highest resolution avaliable.
See a list of avaliable commands.
$> -h
Example of using the script.
$> -r 5 -s "C:/Users/user/Downloads/Earth-Surface-PBC-128k-1/textures/planets/Earth/Surface-PBC"
Warning: The time it takes for the script to run is entirely dependant on the resolution (16k, 32k...). Times can vary from a couple minutes to a couple hours.
- Christopher Hosken - Initial work - Christopher-Hosken
c2e converter from py360convert