- (Ontological) Theories of the Economy
- Reiss (2013) on Philosophy of Economics: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14
- Schumpeter (1942) on Capitalism (highly recommended, but not mandatory)
- Dooley (2005) on Labor Theory of Value
- Hayek (1945) on Libertarianism
- Spicer (2005) on Hayek and Taxation
- compare to foundationalist views
- examples for bad local knowledge (phone system)
- problems with the rules approach
- implications for taxation
- what kind of knowledge does Hayek mean/not mean?
- incentive problem of CBA
- dsa story
- problem of intersubjective comparisons
- budget constraints
- vnM rationality!
- ideal observers
- consequentialism vs other norms
- flawed emotion: Kahnemann tversky
- experienced vs. remembered vs. grow along vnm preferences