#Data Tests Configuration Back to main
####Data Tests Configuration
$ cp config/datatests-sample.yml config/datatests.yml
edit config/maintenance.yml
and update with your settings.
- The SQL statement must have one field that returns a boolean named exactly "check".
- The SQL statement must return one row.
#####Example Data Tests Configuration
testname: test name
- name: Truncate Table1
text: TRUNCATE TABLE table1;
- name: Insert into table1
text: INSERT INTO table1 (SELECT * FROM table1_stagging);
- name: count table1
text: SELECT count(*) > $1 as check FROM table1;
values: [1000000]
- name: type table1
text: SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(type) OVER() > $1 as check FROM table1 GROUP BY type HAVING COUNT(type) > 0 ;
values: [5]
$ node simplicity-backend.js -d config/db.yml -t config/datatests.yml
Running Test(s) for test name
Starting: count table1
Completed: count table1
Starting: type table1
Completed: type table1
Starting: location type
Completed: location type
Tests Complete.
PASSED all tests for: test name
Running Data Push for test name
Starting: Truncate Table1
Completed: Truncate Table1
Starting: Insert into table1
Completed: Insert into table1
completed Data Test in 00:00:02.2881