This is the front-end of the City of Asheville Notifications Application as part of the SimpliCity Application It allows users to sign up for emails, (and perhaps other communications in the future.) Emails are currently sent when large scale development projects applications are submitted. We envision that other types of notifications might be added.
It is intended to be used with (the notifications API)[], which is based on the city's backend starter template.
git clone
cd notifications-frontend
Create a file .env based on example.env
npm install
npm start
First switch out the correct .env file
npm run build
then deploy:
npm run deploy
npm run devDeploy
You may need to invalidate the cache in CloudFront (as well as in the browser)
This is based on the starter template for all City of Asheville React web projects. It contains the basic file structure, shared templates and icons (e.g., navbar, authentication, language components). It is intended to be paired with a back-end application based on the GraphQL Starter Template.