What's Changed
- #3463: Add breadcrumb to analytics page - [LITTERBOX] by @zandercymatics in #3478
- #3316: automatically add domain managers as portfolio members - [MS] by @Matt-Spence in #3421
- #3400: Revise UI of search bars with labels, create component - [EL] by @rachidatecs in #3465
- #3348: Cancel invitation within Django Admin - [GD] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3477
- #3146: Django admin analytics page - add patterns to our bar graphs for colorblind users - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3474
- #3443 - Removed Domain renewal feature references - [GD] by @asaki222 in #3510
- [no ticket] Add Jaxon to fixtures [EL] by @lizpearl in #3516
- #3389: Add env to emails - [RH] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3511
- Fix for naming of script and credentials by @asaki222 in #3520
- #3389 - Remove redundant context - [RH] by @therealslimhsiehdy in #3527
- #3390 - Remove "roles" column in the Portfolio "members" admin table - [CB] by @CocoByte in #3471
- #3004: Email member on portfolio permissions updates [BACKUP] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3467
- #3148: Accessible bar graph - [LITTERBOX] by @zandercymatics in #3492
- #2297 - Update npm + Pa11y dependencies - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3497
- #3164 - markup correction for clear filters and status - [Hotgov] by @CocoByte in #3489
- #3144 - add skip-to-filters link for admin tables - [BOB] by @CocoByte in #3490
- #2822: Focus reset on 'Add another site' button for request form - [AG] by @zandercymatics in #3519
- #3440: Opt-out permissions [DK] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3513
- #3396: Redesign sort header UI - [RJM] by @rachidatecs in #3483
- #3180 / #3179: Aria-labels for "View", "Change", and "Add" buttons + correct semantic markup for section headings - [ZA] by @zandercymatics in #3539
- #3392: fix domain deletion - [MS] by @Matt-Spence in #3485
- #3288: Portfolio remove member sends an email [MEOWARD] by @dave-kennedy-ecs in #3475
Full Changelog: staging-146...staging-147