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GO Terms #52

Answered by ri23
npokorzynski asked this question in Q&A
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Hi @npokorzynski
Thanks for reaching out again. The simplest solution would be to run GeneWalk. Then in the genewalk_results.csv file delete all the rows corresponding to GO term you don't want, for instance filter out cellular component term as per the column go_domain. Then save that genewalk_results.csv file and rerun GW but only the --stage visual. Now the bar plots and regulator / moonlighting gene scatter plots are generated based on the remaining gene-GO terms pairs from the results file.

Note that the strategy above does not redo the statistics / FDR corrections. If you want to filter out GO terms before statistical testing (and perhaps get stronger significance for some of the re…

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This discussion was converted from issue #45 on April 19, 2021 20:48.