Releases: chunkypixel/atari-dev-studio
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.8 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- #12 [Done] - SmallRoomLabs added a process to display hover tooltips to dasm language for 6502 and VCS opcodes [thanks SmallRoomLabs]
- Extended hover tooltip process to work across all languages
- Minor internal changes to Sprite Editor for future enhancements
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.7 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- #6 [Done] - Added new drop-down selector in settings to choose what you want to display on the Status Bar (Full, Minimum, None) [thanks SmallRoomLabs]
- #7 [Done] - Autoclose any existing Stella windows before opening a new one (new option in settings to override) [thanks SmallRoomLabs]
- #8 [Fixed] - When a dasm compilation fails clean up files generated by compiler (.sym/.bin/.lst) [thanks SmallRoomLabs]
- #9 [Fixed] - Fixed issue autosaving files before compile (async) [thanks SmallRoomLabs]
- #11 [Done] - Updated label determination in dasm assembly syntax [thanks SmallRoomLabs]
Sprite Editor
- Added ability to export all sprites in project to .png (2 bit 7800basic)
- Added ability zoom editor with mousewheel
- Added ability to set transparent background color in editor (not exported to .png) to help when designing sprites
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.6 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
Sprite Editor
- Added ability to load and save sprites
- Added (auto) load and save of the workspace configuration (window layout)
- Added ability to select and hold down mouse button to change palette colors on the fly for selected color
- Fixed issue where holding down mouse button and leaving the sprite editing area left drawing mode on
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.5 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- Introduction of a Sprite Editor (basic functionality only). The Sprite Editor is based on Spritemate by Ingo Hinterding (github) and was suggested by RandomTerrain. I've taken the original source and rebuilt and restructured it. It cannot do anything other than the basics - just wanted to see if it runs OK on other PCs.
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.3 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- Updated 7800basic language definition with all (known) keywords, commands and variables. Note: there is every chance I have either missed some or labled incorrectly.
- Update readme to include imore information about installing and a note about turning off the short-cut buttons on the Status Bar
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.2 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- Added option in settings to show/hide commands on Status Bar (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
- Updated readme with information about debugging
#1 [Fixed] - Added compiler notification to help with permission error when compiling dasm on macOS (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
#5 [Done] - Usage of status line (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.1 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- Added new Help references and Learn areas for batari Basic and 7800basic to Welcome page
- Removed templates from Welcome page (for now)
- Updated readme with more information about the product
- Updated all internal references to accessing the settings to a const to better maintain future changes
#1 [UnderReview] - Added compiler notification to help with permission error when compiling dasm on macOS (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
#2 [Fixed] - Removed popup message (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
#3 [Fixed] - Updated breadcrumb to Settings to correcty path and catered for cross-platform (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
#4 [Fixed] - Updated syntax highlighter (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.0 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- Initial release