Atari Dev Studio
v0.1.1 - Public Release
Available directly within VS Code - install via the Marketplace (make sure to restart VS Code after installing)
Changes in this release:
- Added new Help references and Learn areas for batari Basic and 7800basic to Welcome page
- Removed templates from Welcome page (for now)
- Updated readme with more information about the product
- Updated all internal references to accessing the settings to a const to better maintain future changes
#1 [UnderReview] - Added compiler notification to help with permission error when compiling dasm on macOS (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
#2 [Fixed] - Removed popup message (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
#3 [Fixed] - Updated breadcrumb to Settings to correcty path and catered for cross-platform (thanks SmallRoomLabs)
#4 [Fixed] - Updated syntax highlighter (thanks SmallRoomLabs)