Research Assistant, Bioinformatics group at ICT
Institute of Computing Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
6, Kexueyuan South Road, Zhongguancun, Beijing, 100190, China
Email: chungongyu at gmail dot com
Genome Assembly, MSMS, Bioinfomatics, Information Retrieval, Recommendation System
- SIGA: An open-source Sensitive and Intelligent de novo Genome Assembler
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Sun, S., Yu, C., Qiao, Y., Lin, Y., Dong, G., Liu, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Cai, J., Zhang, H., and Bu, D., "Deriving the probabilities of water loss and ammonia loss for amino acids from tandem mass spectra", J. Proteome Res., 7(01): 202-208 (2008).
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Yu, C., Lin, Y., Sun, S., Cai, J., Zhang, J., Bu, D., Zhang, Z., and Chen, R., "An iterative algorithm to quantify the factors influencing peptide fragmentation for MS/MS spectrum", Proc. 2006 LSS Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference CSB'06, 353-360, Imperial College Press (2006).