The Schrodinger's Cat NN is a playful interpretation of the famous thought experiment in quantum mechanics, where a cat is both alive and dead until observed. This implementation uses two models (alive and dead) to represent the cat's states and incorporates probabilistic behaviors into the training process.
- Superposition: In quantum mechanics, a system can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This is modeled in the NN by training two separate models that represent different states.
- Collapse of the Wave Function: Upon measurement, the superposition collapses into one of the possible states. In this implementation, this is simulated by evaluating the performance of both models and selecting one based on their accuracies.
The quantum_random
function generates a pseudo-random number using a sine function, simulating quantum randomness.
def quantum_random():
return np.sin(np.random.random() * np.pi) ** 2
The init_weights function initializes the weights of the neural network layers using a uniform distribution and scales them by a quantum random value. This introduces variability akin to quantum behavior.
def init_weights(m):
if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
torch.nn.init.uniform_(m.weight, -np.sqrt(1/m.in_features), np.sqrt(1/m.in_features)) = * quantum_random()
The ProbabilisticActivation class defines a custom activation function that outputs values based on the input's sign, ensuring outputs are within the range [0, π).
class ProbabilisticActivation(nn.Module):
def forward(self, x):
positive_output = (x * torch.sin(x)**2) % np.pi
negative_output = (torch.rand_like(x) * x) % np.pi
return torch.where(x > 0, positive_output, negative_output)
Custom loss function named DOALoss
is implemented. This loss function applies a weighted cross-entropy loss that emphasizes the importance of correctly classifying instances of the 'alive' and 'dead' classes based on their assigned weights.
The SchrodingersCatNN class defines a simple feedforward neural network with two linear layers and a custom activation function.
The SchrodingersCatBox class manages the training and evaluation of both models (alive and dead). It includes methods for training steps, evaluating performance, and collapsing the wave function based on the models' performances.
class SchrodingersCatBox:
def train_step(self, inputs, labels, criterion):
# training logic for both models
def evaluate(self, dataloader, criterion):
# evaluation logic for both models
def collapse_wave_function(self, performances):
# logic to collapse the wave function based on performance
The dataset is generated using make_classification from sklearn, and it is split into training and testing sets. The data is then converted into PyTorch tensors and loaded into DataLoader for batch processing.
After training, the models are evaluated, and the wave function is collapsed based on their performances. The chosen model is then used for the final evaluation.