Thankyou for checking this work.
##ABOUT THIS WORK: This is a page talking about children with autism and other challenging behaviours to seek guidance, treatment, 'e.t.c'.But the purpose for this website is for practisng of HTML(Hypertext mark-up language),CSS(cascading style sheet)and JS(Java-Script).Let's get going.
##PICTURES OF MY WORK## Large screen sizes
##Small screen sizes ##
##Little mobile and laptop views too##
-HTML(Hypertext Mark-up Language)
-CSS(Cascading Styles Sheet)
Learnt how to use bootstrap classes and terminologies, practised grids effectly, with equal distribution of sections.The javascript was quite tasking,but with careful concentration it was fun.
##Hover-effects## Hover-effects are really useful syntax in css, it creates a little interaction between the user, coupled with a little animation, which improves the structure and movement on the website.
##Hover-effects description##
-For those Farmiliar with Git-hub you can clone the repo and pull to your local workplace to view. -For those who ant to view you can download the file from here [], to view Thank you once again.
-For the Colors[]
-For the icons[]
-For the charts[]
-For the Font's[]
-For the picture designs[]
-For the picture sizes and editing[]
(CSS grids, flex-box, box-shadow, and float).I really had fun with these syntax.The grids helped out in the complex layout of sections, while the flex-box and float helped with the placing of items adequately to prevent work from collapsing. ``
Huge shout out to all the children out there suffering from autism or other challanges, i love you and the world loves you too.
This work is under [MIT] liscence. It's highly free and opensource to anyone to use.