This repository contains the supplementary material for the paper "An Integrated Market for Electricity and Natural Gas Systems with Stochastic Power Producers". This is joint work by Christos Ordoudis, Pierre Pinson and Juan Miguel Morales. The work of Christos Ordoudis and Pierre Pinson is partly funded by the Danish Strategic Research Council (DSF) through projects 5s-Future Electricity Markets, No. 12-132636/DSF and CITIES, No. 1305-00027B/DSF. The work of Juan M. Morales is partly funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 755705), by the Spanish Research Agency through project ENE2017-83775-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), and by the Research Funding Program for Young Talented Researchers of the University of Malaga through project PPIT-UMA-B1-2017/18.
In this repository, we provide:
- The data of the test-case used in the paper.