This is IRI (IOTA reference implementation) packed as small docker image.
It's used by my IOTA node pool on
- Java 8
- IOTA IRI node
- Configurable via environment variable
First you need to find some neighbors for your node. You can do this by joining the #nodesharing-Slack channel. You can join slack on
Afterwards you can start the node with:
$ docker run --net=host -d --name iota-node -v iota_data:/opt/iri/data -e "NEIGHBORS=udp://neighbor1:14600 tcp://neighbor1:15600 udp://neighbor3:14600" rootlogin/iota-iri
To rescan the database or revalidate, you can do this:
$ docker run --net=host --rm --name iota-node -v iota_data:/opt/iri/data -e "NEIGHBORS=udp://neighbor1:14600 tcp://neighbor1:15600 udp://neighbor3:14600" rootlogin/iota-iri --rescan
$ docker run --net=host --rm --name iota-node -v iota_data:/opt/iri/data -e "NEIGHBORS=udp://neighbor1:14600 tcp://neighbor1:15600 udp://neighbor3:14600" rootlogin/iota-iri --revalidate
If you want to sync your node with the latest tangle database from, set the environment variable PRESYNC
to 1. This helps to get your node faster fully synced.
You can configure different things with environment variables:
Name | Description |
NEIGHBORS | List of your neighbors (space delimited). |
REMOTE_API_LIMIT | List of things that are forbidden via api (Default: attachToTangle, addNeighbors, removeNeighbors). |
API_PORT | Port for API listener (Default: 14265). |
UDP_PORT | Port for UDP listener (Default: 14600). |
TCP_PORT | Port for TCP listener (Default: 15600). |
PRESYNC | If you want presync your database with set 1 (Default: 0). |
JAVA_OPTIONS | Default: "-XX:+DisableAttachMechanism -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap" |
You can also run IRI with docker-compose. See this example:
version: '2'
container_name: iota-node
restart: always
image: rootlogin/iota-iri:latest
mem_limit: 8G
network_mode: host
- TZ=Europe/Zurich
- NEIGHBORS=udp://neighbor1:14600 tcp://neighbor1:15600 udp://neighbor3:14600
- /opt/iri-data:/opt/iri/data