This is an unofficial tensorflow 2.2 based re-implementation of the original StyleGAN2 published in:
T. Karras, S. Laine, M. Aittala, J. Hellsten, J. Lehtinen, and T. Aila
Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN
Here are some flowers:
And some GAN-written digits:
The implemented features include:
- Weight modulation/demodulation
- Lazy regularization
- Label conditioning
- Skip architecture generator
- Resnet architecture discriminator
- Truncation trick
- Works on both GPU and CPU
- Docker image is provided
- Style mixing regularization
- Path length regularization
The networks consume the training data from a tfrecord file. For each record, this contains the raw pixel value of the rectangular images in HWC ordering and potentially a vector of one-hot encoded class labels. The resolution must be a power of two. To generate the training data, specify the resolution in the config file and run:
python \
--config_path ./config/flowers.yaml \
--dataset flowers \
--raw_data_path ./data/flowers/jpg \
--data_out_path ./data/flowers
To start the training, run:
python \
--config_path ./config/flowers.yaml \
--data_path ./data/flowers/flowers.tfrecords
To generate fake images from the checkpoints written during training, run:
python \
--config_path ./config/flowers.yaml \
--num_fake_batches 10 \
--checkpoint_dir ./checkpoints/flowers/models \
--generated_images_dir ./generated_images/flowers
This will loop through all checkpoint in the checkpoint_dir
and generate a grid of num_fake_batches
* batch_size
generated images. Use truncation_psi
and truncation_cutoff
to control the variance of the generated fake images.
The steps above can be run in docker, using the image cmeyr/stylegan2-tf2:latest
. For example:
docker run -d \
--rm \
-v "$PWD/config:/app/config" \
-v "$PWD/logs:/app/logs" \
-v "$PWD/checkpoints:/app/checkpoints" \
-v "$PWD/data:/app/data" \
--name stylegan2_tf2_training \
cmeyr/stylegan2-tf2:latest \
python -u \
--config_path ./config/flowers.yaml \
--data_path ./data/flowers/flowers.tfrecords
If you are running on a GPU, please also set the option --runtime=nvidia
. You can build the image yourself by running ./