A Python based node, exporting Intel iGPU data for Prometheus.
This has been made & tested on a Intel Xeon E3-1275v6 CPU.
- python3
- python3-pip
- intel_gpu_tools
- prometheus_client
- subprocess
Syntax: python3 script.py port http_service_metric_point
Real use case example: python3 igpu_exporter.py 9101 http://localhost:9101/metrics
- Try the script with the example above
- Add the service file to
- Test the service with
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start igpu_exporter.service
- Check the status with
systemctl status igpu_exporter.service
- Add the service to run at boot with
systemctl enable igpu_exporter.service
# HELP igpu_video_busy Video busy utilisation in %
# TYPE igpu_video_busy summary
igpu_video_busy 0.0
# HELP igpu_render_busy Render busy utilisation in %
# TYPE igpu_render_busy summary
igpu_render_busy 0.0
# HELP igpu_enhance_busy Enhance busy utilisation in %
# TYPE igpu_enhance_busy summary
igpu_enhance_busy 0.0
# HELP igpu_power Power utilisation in W
# TYPE igpu_power summary
igpu_power 0.0
Please see prometheus.yml
- Adapt path to script in
- Adapt http_service_metric_point in
- Adapt the target in