AutoTradingPlatform is a trading framework built on top of the Shioaji API that supports trading in stocks, futures, and options. This framework streamlines the use of the API, making it easy for users to start trading without being familiar with the API's interface specifications. With just two simple steps, users can start trading:
- Develop a trading strategy.
- Set the risk tolerance.
When using AutoTradingPlatform, users can execute trades with multiple strategies on a single account, or even on multiple accounts. Additionally, the platform ensures safe order placement by monitoring risk tolerance levels. For example, if the order limit of an account is NT$500,000, buying stops when the cumulative amount of stocks approaching NT$500,000.
- AutoTradingPlatform
Like humans, the system pays attention to order amount, position management, and batch exit. At the same time, we can execute multiple strategies simultaneously to achieve better position control.
In addition to traditional indicators such as MACD, KD, RSI, you can also customize the indicators you want based on technical, chip, and fundamental information.
Using LINE Notify notifications to receive real-time order/deal messages.
By customizing the selection criterias, the stock selection program can be seamlessly integrated with the trading system to place orders. There is no limit to the number of strategies.
Using historical data and the customizable strategy function of the trading framework to improve and maximize your potential profits.
Once everything is set up, you can schedule and achieve fully automated trading.
Install shioaji and other packages at a time
pip install -r requirements.txt
|-- templates
|-- trader (Python trading modules, details as below:)
|-- indicators (trading indicators)
|-- scripts (folder for putting CUSTOMIZED TRADING SCRIPTS)
|-- ...
|-- ...
|-- lib (keys, settings, ..., etc)
|-- ckey (has public/private keys to encrypt/decrypt password text)
|-- ekey (Sinopac ca files for placing orders)
|-- 551
|-- envs (AutoTradingPlatform user settings)
|-- schedules (schedule task files, ex: *.bat)
|-- config.ini (AutoTradingPlatform system settings)
|-- 政府行政機關辦公日曆表.csv
|-- Kbars (stores any kinds of stock/futures/options/indexes data)
|-- selections (selected stocks)
|-- stock_pool (stores watchlist, order list files for AutoTradingPlatform)
|-- ticks (futures tick data from TAIFEX)
|-- (.env file creator)
|-- (AutoTradingPlatform task execution file)
Go to ./lib
and create a config.ini
file, which has 6 main sections:
[ACCOUNT] # user names
USERS = your_env_file_name
[COST] # Account trading costs for stocks/futures/options
STOCK_FEE_RATE = 0.001425
DATA_PATH = your/path/to/save/datasets
[DB] # optional, can be left blank
DB_ENGINE = mysql+pymysql/postgresql
REDIS_HOST = your_redis_host
REDIS_PORT = your_redis_port
REDIS_PWD = your_redis_password
DB_HOST = your_DB_host
DB_PORT = your_DB_port
DB_USER = your_DB_user_name
DB_PWD = your_DB_password
DB_NAME = your_DB_schema_name
[LINENOTIFY] # optional, can be left blank
TOKEN_MONITOR = your_LINE_Notify_token_for_system_monitor
TOKEN_INFO = your_LINE_Notify_token_for_trading_monitor
Long = strategy1 # non-daytrade long strategies
Short = strateg2 # non-daytrade short strategies
LongDT = strategy3 # daytrade long strategies
ShortDT = strategy4 # daytrade short strategies
MonitorFreq = 5 # monitor frequency (seconds per loop)
[SELECT] # includes stock selection strategy names
METHODS = StockSelectStrategy1
[CRAWLER] # determine what K-bar frequency data you want for backtest
SCALES = 1D, 30T, 60T
It is necessary to create an env file for a whole-new AutoTradingPlatform. Firstly, run the following command in a terminal:
python -TASK create_env
Then, go to Press the "Submit" button after filling out the forms, an env file will be created in ./lib/envs
Go to ./trader/scripts
and follow the instructions to create your own trading strategy before starting the auto-trader.
Go to ./trader/scripts
and follow the instructions to create k-bar feature scripts before starting the auto-trader.
Open a terminal and execute the following task command type:
parameter ACCT: account_name defined by users
python -TASK auto_trader -ACCT YourAccountName
This task will run stock data crawler (using API) and then select stock. Details of establishing selection scripts see the instructions.
python -TASK update_and_select_stock
AutoTradingPlatform has a 7-day release cycle, any updates will be committed by each Friday (git commits are not included).