This is my IdeaVim config. Vim is a language for working more efficiently in your IDE. IdeaVim is an integration to use Vim in JetBrains IDEs like IntelliJ, Webstorm etc.
You have countless examples of Vim configs out there. Though there's not that much of a community around Vim in JetBrains IDEs. When I learn a new tool I like getting inspiration from seeing how others use it. So, this is my little contribution to provide a bit of IdeaVim inspiration.
Also check out this discussion on GitHub for more IdeaVim inspiration.
- Install IdeaVim in your JetBrains IDE
- Create an .ideavimrc file
- Copy the content of my ideavimrc file into yours if you want to try mine
- Check out IdeaVim plugins for further configuration
This gives you a solid start to IdeaVim.