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tokenBalance Internal Action

Nilson Lazarin edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 2 revisions
Internal Actions Wiki


Check units of a specific token into a wallet and return a belief like: q(C,V);


Parameters Description
q It's a belief that represents the balance of C in the agent's wallet.
C It's a literal that represents a divisible asset.
P It's a literal that represents the agent's private key.
Q It's a literal that represents the agent's public key.
S It's a literal that represents the address of a DLT node.
V It's a integer that represents the number of parts of a C.


1 - Alice Agent

/* Initial beliefs and rules */

/* Plans */
+!showBalance(S,C):myWallet(P,Q) <-
	.print("Exists ",Units," of ",C," in my wallet!");
	.random(W); .wait(5000*W);

2 - Bob Agent

/* Initial beliefs and rules */

/* Initial goals */

/* Plans */
+!start <- 

+!transferToken(S,P,Q,C,R,V) <-
	.random(W); .wait(5000*W);
	.print("Transfered ",V," Units...");

-!transferToken(S,P,Q,C,R,V) <-
	.print("I don't have sufficient tokens...");
	.wait(10000); .stopMAS;