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A Swift development tool which can provide some nice function.


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A Swift development tool which can make your programming easy.

Table of Contents

General info

This tool provides some useful functions which can be often used in your programming.It extends some Swift Standard Library and create some useful structs.


  • iOS 11+
  • Swift 4.2



pod 'SwiftDevUtility'


github "chkkassd/SwiftDevUtility"


  • StringExtension
    • public var md5String: String
    • public var convertedDate: Date?
    • public static func timeFormatString(_ seconds: Double) -> String
  • ArrayExtension
    • public func reject(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    • public func allMatch(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool
  • DictionaryExtension
    • public mutating func merge<S>(_ sequence: S) where S: Sequence, S.Iterator.Element == (key: Key, value: Value)
    • public init<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Iterator.Element == (key: Key, value: Value)
    • public func valueMap<T>(_ transform:(Value) -> T) -> [Key:T]
  • SequenceExtension
    • public func unique() -> [Iterator.Element]
  • DateExtension
    • public var standardTimeString: String
    • public var weekdayIndex: Int?
    • public var weekdayEnum: WeekDay
    • public var weekdayString: String
    • public var firstDayDate: Date?
    • public var lastDayDate: Date?
  • URLExtension
    • public var pathString: String?
  • UIImageExtension
    • public func scaledImage(_ rect: CGRect, _ compressionQuality: CGFloat) -> UIImage?
  • UIViewExtension
    • @IBInspectable public var viewCornerRadius: CGFloat
    • @IBInspectable public var viewBorderWidth: CGFloat
    • @IBInspectable public var viewBorderColor: UIColor
  • AppInfoHelper
    • public static var appVersion: String?
    • public static var appBuildVersion: String?
    • public static var appName: String?
  • DirectoryPath
    • public static func pathOfDocuments() -> String
    • public static func pathOfTemporary() -> String
    • public static func pathOfCache() -> String
    • public static func urlInDocument(with component: String) -> URL
    • public static func urlInTemporary(with component: String) -> URL
    • public static func urlInCache(with component: String) -> URL
    • public static func directoryPathInDocument(withDirectoryName name: String) -> String
    • public static func directoryURLInDocument(withDirectoryName name: String) -> URL
  • ScreenShot
    • public static func screenShot(withView view: UIView) -> UIImage?
  • SSFSortDescriptor


public var md5String: String

A read-only computed property that return the md5 string from the origin string.

"Hello world".md5String//3e25960a79dbc69b674cd4ec67a72c62

public var convertedDate: Date?

Convert a ISO8601 string(yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) to Date.

let time = "2019-3-12T12:34:23+0000"
let dateTime = time.convertedDate//Optional(2019-03-12 12:34:23 +0000)

public static func timeFormatString(_ seconds: Double) -> String

Convert seconds to a string with style of "mm:ss"



public func reject(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]

Delete the element which matchs the predicate.

let a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
let b = a.reject{$0 % 2 == 0}//[1,3,5]

public func allMatch(_ predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool

Weather all elements match the predicate.

let a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
let c = a.allMatch{$0 > 0}//true


public mutating func merge<S>(_ sequence: S) where S: Sequence, S.Iterator.Element == (key: Key, value: Value)

Merge a sequence into a dictionary.

var a = ["name": "jack", "age": "10"]
let b = ["name": "Tom", "age": "10", "address": "shanghai"]
a.merge(b)//["address": "shanghai", "age": "10", "name": "Tom"]

init<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Iterator.Element == (key: Key, value: Value)

Initail a dictionary by a sequence,such as [(key:xx, value:xx)].

let c = [("name", "Peter"), ("age", "20")]
let d = Dictionary(c)//["age": "20", "name": "Peter"]

public func valueMap<T>(_ transform:(Value) -> T) -> [Key:T]

A dictionary's value map to a new value with the transform,then return a new dictionary.

let e = ["height": 80, "width": 100]
let f = e.valueMap { $0 / 2 }//["height": 40, "width": 50]


public func unique() -> [Iterator.Element]

Find the unique element in the sequence,it will drop the repeated element.

let a = [1,2,3,4,4,8,8]
let b = a.unique()//[1, 2, 3, 4, 8]


public var standardTimeString: String

Convert date to string(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

let date = Date()
date.standardTimeString//"2019-03-06 14:14:34"

public var weekdayIndex: Int?

Convert a date to weekdayIndex(saturday is 0, sunday is 1, Monday is 2,...).

let date = Date()

public var weekdayEnum: WeekDay

Convert a date to weekday enum..

let date = Date()

public var weekdayString

Convert a date to chinese weekday string.

let date = Date()

public var firstDayDate: Date?

Fetch the first day of a week by a date.

let date = Date()
date.firstDayDate//Optional(2019-03-02 06:14:34 +0000)

public var lastDayDate: Date?

Fetch the last day of a week by a date.

let date = Date()
date.lastDayDate//Optional(2019-03-08 06:14:34 +0000)


public var pathString: String?

Convert a file url to a path string

let fileURL = DirectoryPath.urlInDocument(with: "test")//file:///Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/099F3AE8-8743-4466-B147-F84A91AE8C17/Documents/test
let filePath = fileURL.pathString//Optional("/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/099F3AE8-8743-4466-B147-F84A91AE8C17/Documents/test")


public func scaledImage(_ rect: CGRect, _ compressionQuality: CGFloat) -> UIImage?

Scale a big image to a small image with specifial rect.

let aImage = UIImage(named: "water")
aImage.size//Optional((180.0, 180.0))
let bImage = aImage?.scaledImage(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20), 1.0)
bImage.size//Optional((20.0, 20.0))


@IBInspectable public var viewCornerRadius: CGFloat

Discribe corner radius of a view and reflect in storyboard.

@IBInspectable public var viewBorderWidth: CGFloat

Discribe border width of a view and reflect in storyboard.

@IBInspectable public var viewBorderColor: UIColor

Discribe border color of a view and reflect in storyboard.


public static var appVersion: String?

Fetch the app version.


public static var appBuildVersion: String?

Fetch the app build version


public static var appName: String?

Fetch the app name



public static func pathOfDocuments() -> String

Document directory path

DirectoryPath.pathOfDocuments()// /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/11F3E559-1365-473D-AFA5-C7C10AD2800A/Documents

public static func pathOfTemporary() -> String

Temporary directory path

DirectoryPath.pathOfTemporary()// /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/11F3E559-1365-473D-AFA5-C7C10AD2800A/tmp/

public static func pathOfCache() -> String

Cache directory path

DirectoryPath.pathOfCache()// /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/11F3E559-1365-473D-AFA5-C7C10AD2800A/Library/Caches

public static func urlInDocument(with component: String) -> URL

Create URL in document compent

DirectoryPath.urlInDocument(with: "haha")//file:///Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/11F3E559-1365-473D-AFA5-C7C10AD2800A/Documents/haha

public static func urlInTemporary(with component: String) -> URL

Create URL in temporary compent

DirectoryPath.urlInTemporary(with: "hihi")//file:///Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/331A1DE9-81A4-4322-88BD-334E34AEBD06/tmp/hihi

public static func urlInCache(with component: String) -> URL

Create URL in cache compent

DirectoryPath.urlInCache(with: "hehe")//file:///Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/331A1DE9-81A4-4322-88BD-334E34AEBD06/Library/Caches/hehe

public static func directoryPathInDocument(withDirectoryName name: String) -> String

Creat directory path at document directory.

DirectoryPath.directoryPathInDocument(withDirectoryName: "test1")// /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/331A1DE9-81A4-4322-88BD-334E34AEBD06/Documents/test1

public static func directoryURLInDocument(withDirectoryName name: String) -> URL

Creat directory URL at document directory

DirectoryPath.directoryURLInDocument(withDirectoryName: "test2")//file:///Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/761F483C-6A5C-4A4F-8F3C-7FDABBEC5A86/data/Containers/Data/Application/331A1DE9-81A4-4322-88BD-334E34AEBD06/Documents/test2


public static func screenShot(withView view: UIView) -> UIImage?

Crop a specific view

let image = SSFScreenShot.screenShot(withView: aView)//It will crop aView and return a image


public typealias SortDescriptor<T> = (T, T) -> Bool

The documention of the function type (T, T) -> Bool.

infix operator |>: LogicalDisjunctionPrecedence
public func |><T>(l: @escaping SortDescriptor<T>, r: @escaping SortDescriptor<T>) -> SortDescriptor<T>

Mix operator with two SortDescriptor type.

public static func makeDescriptor<Key, Value>(key: @escaping (Key) -> Value, _ isAscending: @escaping (Value, Value) -> Bool) -> SortDescriptor<Key>

Create the specific sortDescriptor by the sorted data and the sorted methods. Parameter: key is a function which returns the real sorted value. Parameter: isAscending is a function which comapre the sorted value. Return: A SortDescriptor function which use key and isAscending.

SortedDescriptor Example
struct Dog {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0

let dog1 = Dog(name: "laifu", age: 4)
let dog2 = Dog(name: "xiaohu", age: 3)
let dog3 = Dog(name: "dingdang", age: 8)
let dog4 = Dog(name: "laifu", age: 6)
let dog5 = Dog(name: "laifu", age: 9)
let dogs = [dog1, dog2, dog3, dog4, dog5]

let nameSortDescriptor: SortDescriptor<Dog> = SSFSortDescriptor.makeDescriptor(key: {$}, >)
let ageSortDescriptor: SortDescriptor<Dog> = SSFSortDescriptor.makeDescriptor(key: {$0.age}, >)

let newDogs = dogs.sorted(by: nameSortDescriptor |> ageSortDescriptor)
print(newDogs)//[Dog(name: "xiaohu", age: 3), Dog(name: "laifu", age: 9), Dog(name: "laifu", age: 6), Dog(name: "laifu", age: 4), Dog(name: "dingdang", age: 8)]



SwiftDevUtility is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


A Swift development tool which can provide some nice function.







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