This is a node script to automate creation of a react component.
Creates <component_name>.js and <component_name>.module.css files with boilerplate for the given component name.
Copy The above createScript.js file with the same name into your project's root directory (The one which includes node_module and src).
|---projectName |---node_modules |---public |---src |---createScript.js #Create this file.
In your package.json folder, under the scripts section add "create" command in the format given below
{ "scripts":{ ... "create" : "node createScript.js" } }
This script takes in 2 arguments - class/function , component path.
To run the script - Start terminal in project folder, then:
- To create a class based component :
> npm run create class path\to\folder\<ComponentName>
- To create a function based component :
> npm run create function path\to\folder\<ComponentName>
Terminal Command:
c:\projectName > npm run create class Container\Main
|---projectName |---node_modules |---public |---src |---Components |---Container |---Main |---Main.js |---Main.module.css
import React,{Component} from 'react' import Style from './Main.module.css' class Main extends Component{ render(){ return( <div className={Style.Main}> </div> ) } } export default Main
.Main{ }
Terminal Command:
c:\projectName > npm run create function Components\Landing
|---projectName |---node_modules |---public |---src |---Components | |---Landing | |---Landing.js | |---Landing.module.css |---Container
import React from 'react' import Style from './Landing.module.css' const Landing = (props) => { return( <div className = {Style.Landing}> </div> ) } export default Landing
.Landing{ }
This boilerplate and files names were made according to the file structure I follow but if you want to make changes in:
Javascript File: change variable 'js' this way =>
js = ` // your js boiler plate format `
CSS Module File: change variable 'css' this way =>
css = ` #your css boiler plate format `
JS and CSS variables are declared twice , for for class based component and other for function based component.
comments are added in their respective lines to make it easier to locate them.