icsgenerator creates .ics
calendar invitation file by applying the contents
of a file containing recipient details with a model .ics
file. The resulting
file can then be distributed to recipients so they can add them to their
personal calendars.
Description: Generate .ics
Command: icsgen generate -m <path-to-modelfile> -t <path-to-teamfile> -o <path-to-generated-files> '
specifies the path to the model.ics
specifies the path to the file containing recipient data.--output
specifies the path to the directory where the customized.ics
files will be created.
Setup the environment variables for Discord extracts
node ./icsgen generate -m ~/icsfiles/model.txt -t ~/icsfiles/teamdata.txt -o ~/icsfiles/customfiles
See the package.json
For more information see Change Log
See Contributing and our Collaborator Guide.
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